Dance Camp

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"Alright P, let's go, or you're going to be late"

I heard him call. I got my stuff and walked out. I'm pretty proud of the changes I made in the room. It's more Payton, which is way better than how it was before.

Right now I'm in my pink tights and a white shirt with a matching pink tutu, and my hairs in a bun. Auntie Tana showed me how to get ready before she dropped me off.

I walked out with my pink duffel bag and stared all the way up at my dad. He's really, really tall. I don't know how I got stuck being this short.

"What?" He asked
"How come I'm so small and you're so tall" I ask
"It's because your mom is tiny, you'll probably be as tall as her by next week" he smiles

I just laugh because that is true. Mommy is pretty short. I miss mommy.

"Let's go to dance!" I yell excited
"Alright, let's go munchkin" he said

We walk out and I'm super excited. I'm going to have so much fun. Especially because I love dancing, and that's all we're going to do! Mommy already taught me ballet. So I know the basics.

Finn POV
After we waited for my car, I realize I should probably get a new car. I mean this isn't really family type of vehicle.


Payton POV
We're here! We're finally here! I made sure to bring my camera so I can send auntie Tana the photos. This is going to be so much fun.

I run inside the studio and see all the ladies and their daughters. It makes me sad. All their mommies are here and I'm stuck without one. It's not fair. But I'll make mommy proud, I'll be the best dancer ever.

I take a few pictures and get into position,

Finn POV
I walk in after Payton runs in. I was just going to drop her off and pick her up in an hour, but the dance instructor came up to me

"Excuse me, but parents must stay" she said strict
"Um, I have to be at practice in an hour, so... I can't really stay" I say feeling bad

I see all the little kids stare at Payton, as if she were some sort of alien. I feel bad, it's not Payton's fault, I enrolled her late.

"Sir, did you hear me? I said you have to stay" the instructor scolded
"Actually I was going to stay" I tell her while keeping a close watch on Payton

All the little kids are talking and pointing at her, she has her back faced ignoring them. These little kids being mean, made me mad. They can't just make fun of her like that,

"Hey," I say walking towards the group of kids

I see a little girl, walk in front of Payton and say something to the group of kids and they walk away. I stop and watch Payton turn around to face the girl who defended her. She smiles and they start stretching together.

I smile and head to the bench where all the moms are sitting. They make room for me and let me sit. I watch Payton learn the dance, and I feel all the moms stare at me. I glance at them, only to find them smiling and staring at me with lust.

"May I help you?" I ask
"You're such a good dad," one said
"Yeah, most dads wouldn't sit through two hours of swan lake" another said

I panicked

"Two hours!???" I ask

They all nod still staring at me, as if I were some sort of God. I slouch on the bench and hold Payton's bright pink duffel. This is going to be a long dance class.

Payton POV
All the other girls were making fun of me because I brought my dad, instead of my mom. They're so mean. But mommy always said, if girls are mean, then turn the other cheek, because one day they'll be begging to be my friend.

Auntie Tana just said to hit one if they try to bully me, mommy just responded with, P, violence is never the answer then auntie tana hit her with the pillow and we had a pillow fight. I miss that day.

"Hey! Her daddy is on t.v. I bet your mommy don't even know how to turn the tv on so walk away,"

I heard a girl yell. I turned to find someone who looked similar to auntie Tana. Except, she was my age. I smiled because she helped me, and she knows who my dad is.

"I'm Sabrina" the girl said
"I'm Payton" I answer smiling

We smile and start stretching. I like Sabrina. She's my first friend.

After dancing for s long time we got a break, and daddy/Finn looked exhausted. So I went up to him and kissed his cheek,

"Thanks dad" I smile

And I ran back to Sabrina and we stretched some more and talked about my auntie Tana, and how she reminds me of her. I showed her the pictures I had on my camera of my auntie Tana and mommy.

Finn POV
She called me dad, she actually referred to me as her dad. I don't know why, but I feel honored.

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