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Finn POV
After everyone left I went into Payton's room with Santana close behind. I entered first and Payton saw me and smiled. I'm guessing shortly after Santana walked in, she saw her because her face turned to panic.

"Oh hi aunt Santana" Payton said nervous

"Payton, why did you lie to me?" Santana asked hurt

I just stood there on the side.

"Mommy never wanted to tell me about my dad, so I lied and went looking for him on my own" Payton looked down ashamed

Before either of us could respond, the nurse walked in,

"After tonight Payton's free to go home, but I'm going to need one of you to sign the release forms" the nurse told us awkwardly

"I'll sign them" Santana quickly said

"Actually can I talk to you outside" I told her

She walked out the door with me as someone walked into Payton's room.

"You can't take her away from me" I told her

"I'm doing what's best for her" Santana argued

"It's best if she stays with me I'm her father, " I said determined,

"What's best for her? Look where we are standing Finn, she needs to be with me, up until three months ago you didn't even know who she was!" Santana said irritated

"That's not my fault! No one prepared me to be a dad, and now that I am you can't just take my child away" I yell a little

"Fine, you know what, we'll let Payton decided who she wants to stay with" Santana said slightly shoving me while walking back in

A couple of the guys were here, and so was my agent, but I politely asked them if they could give us a couple minutes. My agent was going on and on about a big game.

But I'm obviously busier with more important things.

"Hey, P, Finn and I were discussing and we wanted to see who you wanted to live with, me or your dad" Santana said sitting on her bed

I smiled at her reassuring that she should, stay with me. But she looked sad and she crossed her arms and said,

"I want to go home!"

I sat on the bed too,

"That's alright, I'll take you home-"

Before I could finish Payton yelled

"With aunt Santana!"

I was so heartbroken, I really thought she would choose to stay with me. I really wanted her too. Santana and I stood up,

"Then it's decided, Payton's going home with me"

Authors note

I wanted to update for a while now but I had a huge writers block for this story. I felt so bad because everyone wanted me to continue and I was being so lazy and frustrated with this story.

Hopefully this will sort of make up for the long wait. I will try so hard to update but I can't promise anything, but thank you for everyone who commented. It really motivates me.

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