What #StopThePain means to Emme

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Hiya peeps! I'm Emme. For a really long time I have suffered from severe Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety, and, depression. Though recently in the past 3 years I have had trouble with self harm and eating problems.
My Bipolar Disorder has always been a major problem in my life. Most people find it to 'extreme' because my emotions change constantly. Its always been a huge insecurity of mine. I can be really happy, but one word can change everything. People say all the time I overreact, but honestly i can't help it.
Anxiety, with me, is a constant worry about something. I will have a panic attack just walking in front of peope, I've dealt with that by walking fast around people I'm not comfortable with. Over the years, I have dealt with it. Now, I can get infront of the class. :) I am honestly so proud of myself for that.

Honestly, all of this is still really hard for me to talk about. Though I know it happend I've supressed it for so long, trying to forget. My self harm/self hatred and eating problems. I hated my body, the way I looked the way I act, I just needed back control of my life. I would go for up to 2 weeks on nothing but water. No one really knew, besides my closest friends, including Sav. I still struggle with this day to day, but I work with it. Telling myself, you are beautiful, though sometimes it doesn't always work. But overtime I have begun to love myself, and accept me, for me.

One thing I've always hated is, crying infront of anyone, I've always been everyones rock. I still struggle with that today. I feel weak if I cry..

Abuse is one thing that caused this self hatred. Growing up I was constantly bullied, and at home wasn't the best either. Mentally, I could feel myself dying. Over my younger years I felt numb, but seemed happy to everyone. I rarely show my feelings, but when I do know you're special. I've always felt I couldn't do anything right, that I was worthless. They called me fat, weird, freak, loser. My siblings called me pathetic and other names I'd rather not say. I felt if I told anyone, they would call me a attention seeker.

This campaign means so much to me, because we need awareness. No, self harm ISN'T for attention. No, abuse is NOT okay. It IS okay to cry, you are human, you aren't weak. Everyday I still struggle with these things. Yes, I think 'No one understands.' But people do, more than we think. All this can be prevented, but it starts with YOU. Love everyone, be selfless, and be yourself. :D CAUSE YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.

Help us spread awarness! If you are going through something please talk to someone. Pm us if needed, we are always here. No one should feel worthless, feel like everything is their fault, or that they deserve pain. I love all of you, and thanks for your time. :)

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