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Makoto's POV

Makoto quickly hurried the morning after Sousuke's call to get the house cleaned up. There were childrens toys everywhere. "Ame!" He called out.

Quiet, small footsteps hurried down the hallway of Makoto's new apartment. A young three year old boy stood with the biggest smile on his face. "What's wong, daddy?" Ame couldn't yet speak his "r's" properly. It always brought joy to Makoto.

"Can you please help daddy clean up the house? We have a guest coming over soon." Makoto started picking up toys off of the floor and Ame cheered, "Yes!"

Makoto was looking forward to seeing Sousuke but was also worried. How was he going to explain Ame? Ame doesn't understand that he can have two biological dads, and Sousuke doesn't either. It's going to be a complicated day for Makoto.

Once they had finished cleaning the two main rooms of the apartment, the loungeroom and the kitchen, Makoto placed Ame at the dining table and gave him some rice for breakfast. Ame never complained whenever Makoto gave him something to eat. It was strange, yet a relief. Makoto had a small iced coffee and a banana for breakfast.

Later, they got dressed and brushed their teeth together as usual. It was routine. This was when the toddler tantrums would start, but they were only minor. It was more out of frustration that his shirt was too big or he couldn't reach the sink to spit his toothpaste out.

The doorbell rang. Makoto froze instantly. Ame ran out of his room and saw his dad staring at his glass of water. "Daddy?" Ame whispered. Makoto looked at Ame and smiled. He stood up, "It's okay." As he walked past his son towards the door, he brushed Ame's light brown hair to calm him.

The doorbell rang once more and Makoto unlocked the door. He was hesitant to open the door but he promised Sousuke a place to stay.

The wind blew straight into the apartment. It was a breathtaking moment. Makoto didn't even notice little Ame standing right behind his legs, hiding from the strange tall man outside the door.

His defined cheekbones, his dark brown hair that sat on his head, the bright ice cold blue eyes that Ame inherited.

"Sousuke." Makoto swallowed. "I mean- Yamazaki-" "Makoto." Sousuke nodded in greeting, then his eyes darted down to the small figure behind Makoto's legs. Makoto looked down at Ame and the boy hid behind his father's legs.

"Oh, uh... Sousuke, this is my son, Ame... And Ame, this is Sousuke Yamazaki. Be polite and say hello." Ame stepped to the side and did a small bow, "Hello." He hid behind Makoto and Sousuke smiled.

The wrinkles had become more worn around Sousuke's eyes over the years. Almost too worn...

"Please, come inside." Makoto grabbed Ame's hand and led Sousuke inside his apartment. "I like your new apartment. Better than the other one. Ehehe." Sousuke's voice was deep, and husky. Makoto chuckled quietly.

He noticed that Sousuke only had one small bag, which was placed with his shoes on the other side of the door to his and his son's. "Would you like a drink of water?" Sousuke looked into Makoto's eyes and nodded, "Yes, please."

Makoto smiled and turned towards the kitchen, "Ame, why don't you go show Yamazaki-san some of your toys?" "Okay."

It was quiet in the loungeroom and Makoto had to compose himself. He had a sudden rush of anxiety and couldn't keep himself standing.

He grabbed the glass of water from off the bench, and took it into the loungeroom. Sousuke looked up at Makoto, he was sitting on the floor near Ame and Ame was pushing a toy truck back and forth next to Sousuke's hand. Makoto hands the glass of water to Sousuke. "Thank you." He says quietly.

Makoto sits on the couch, sighing, trying to ease the tension in the room. He had a feeling Sousuke might of been curious about who Ame's mother might of been, but he never brought it up. Not yet, at least.

Sousuke sits up straight and opens his mouth, hesitant to say something.

"So... Why did you move to Tokyo?" Sousuke kept his eyes on Ame, and he looked up at Sousuke as he was talking. Makoto answered, "For university. And I thought it would be better to get a new apartment, try something new. Haru also moved to Tokyo for university as well, so whenever I'm busy he comes over and looks after Ame. Which I am very thankful for."

"Mm..." Sousuke was thinking. "So is Ame your actual son or is he...?" He trailed off. Makoto knew he would bring up something to do with Ame, as he expected. "He is my actual son. I was the one who...gave birth to him."

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