Alice Springfield: Meet Annabeth Chase

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Disclaimer: Once again, I am not a man, and I don't own the Percy Jackson characters and series

Mortal No mist

Alice Springfield

Hi nerds, I'm Alice Springfield and if you haven't heard of me, your obviously living in a different universe. My daddy owns a business called Springfield enterprise and my mummy is a model.

Now, apparently this so called "mist" has disappeared and all the Greek myths are real! So, at my school, I told everyone I was a daughter of Aphrodite and everyone is now afraid of me except one girl.

Annabeth Chase.

Gosh I hate her! She stoll (hehe) my popularity, so I'm her personal bully and she's such a loner. Oh! Here she comes!

"Hey nerd, what'cha doing wondering around my" and then the principal interrupted me saying,

"We have some special guests. Report to the auditorium immediately." So I looked at Annabiatch and said to her, "I'll finish you later."

--Time skip to the auditorium--

We all looked up and saw the gods, but before we could bow, a god started speaking.

"Hello everyone. Today, we are here to reveal a demigod in your school. Could the demigod please come to the stage."

Silence. Finally, I stood up and looked at Aphrodite. "Hello mother."

She looked at me and said, "You are NO daughter of mine!"

Everyone gasped and I looked at myself in my mirror and... I was horrific!


Then Annabiatch Chase went up, and before I could think of what I was saying, I shouted, "She can't be a demigod! She's a nerd! A NOBODY!" And then they started cracking up?! What?!

"Hi, I'm Annabeth Chase. Many of you know me as a nerd, but I am a daughter of Athena and goddess of battle strategy/soon to be queen on Olympus! I.. (too lazy to write all her titles). Goodbye mortals."

Before they all zapped away, Aphrodite said, "Oh, and say goodbye to your love Alice."

And for the next year's of my life, I died without a loved one and ended up in the fields of punishment.

Wow! First Chapter! Hope you guys like it! Suggest any time if you want me to do one of your ideas!

Word Count: 375

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