Rosie Wells

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HIYA FAM! IT'S BEEN SO LONG! Ive decided to start writing this again, although updates will probably be slow. I will try my best to make more chapters but like I've said before I've had a writers block for a while.
Aaaanyways hopefully you guys enjoy this chapter and please please PLEASE! GIVE ME SUGGESTIONS!!

Love all my precious potatoes🥔♥️

P.s before you start the chapter:
- if I write in italics (like this) that means it's what the person is thinking, they aren't speaking to anyone

-if I write in bold (like this) that means I'm just writing little comments in and stuff, so it's me, the author, speaking, not the characters!



Anyways ENJOYYY!♥️


Rosie POV:

How did my day end up like this? I was literally walking. Just walking. Until that strange green eyed black haired boy suddenly crashed into me.

~Flashbaaaack to the morning of the same day~
This morning I decided to wake up a little earlier than usual so I could go for a nice walk to get some exercise in before going to work. I'm a nurse at a hospital so I spend most of my days indoors, so I thought getting in some exercise and fresh air before work would be beneficial.

As I speed walked down a long detour path I decided to take which turned out to be sort of creepy, suddenly I was hit by some sort of weirdly... heavy.. thing??
After letting out a scream, being shushed and finally opening my eyes, I realised it was a human. Although I didn't think it was possible for a human to be that heavy🤔.

As I quickly analysed this person I realised they were really built, quite tall, had messy black, some type of green eyes and tattered clothes. I was about to scream for help again until I realised he seemed to be a little injured, but before I went into work mode I saw he was holding a sword...


He looked at me for a second and I realised I must have accidentally said my thoughts aloud. Then he started asking me questions like "you can see my sword?" and "have you had weird events happen in your life?" and also one question that really stumped me because he's a complete stranger, "do you have one parent?"

After he asked me that question I was too shocked to move. I see from the corner of my eye some type of monster you only see in the books, but that seemed strangely familiar.

I stood there like a helpless idiot and thinking I was going to die! But then the same guy slashed him with his sword and the monster turned... to dust? How weird.

This random seemed tired, but he mustered up what he had, came over to me and finally introduced himself, saying "Hi, I'm Percy Jackson, and we need to leave right now."

Me being the idiot I am didn't process anything until I realised this person who said his name was... Hershey?? No that's not it... Percy? Yeah I think that's the one. was holding me by the wrist dragging me off to who knows where. This guy may have just possibly saved my life, but I was not going to get dragged off somewhere by this creep!


Oh no he didn't he just covered my mouth. "I'm sorry Ms but I'm going to need you to be quiet. I know this is drastic but you'll understand once you meet the others soon."

The others?? What in the name of god (you'll find out soon my child, but actually *gods😉) does he mean?

Before I decided I may have to get some self defense action going on (please Percy would beat you any day lmao) I hear this elegant voice of a woman, but what she says isn't as elegant as her tone, "you really don't know how to handle these kind of things, do you Seaweed Brain?"

As soon as she says that, I feel Percy's grip loosen on my wrist and I break free and take a few steps back. Percy just stands there, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck and looking anywhere but this woman. To be honest if I was in his position I would probably be scared too. She had fierce grey eyes and gorgeous honey blonde hair any girl wanting blonde hair would die for. Before Percy could reply to her question, she waltzed up to him and gave him a kiss.

I almost screamed out of confusion and a sudden random burst of happiness for the two. At the same time that occurred, a weird hologramy symbol thing popped above my head. A dove? A rose? Oh my god perfume? Gross. As I try swat away this symbol, it just stays there and I look to the couple for guidance. They stare at me and the girl says "congratulations, looks like you've been claimed by your mother, Aphrodite, goddess of love."

At this point I think my brain was trying to comprehend so much it shut down by itself, and that's when I fainted.

~End of Flashback (Sorry that went on for longer than I expected, hope it wasn't a drag :)) ~

So it's almost dinner now and I'm at Camp Half-Blood, everything had already been explained to me about how I'm a demigod and my mother never really died. I discovered Percy is the son of Posiedon, and his girlfriend Annabeth (which I finally discovered the name of) is the daughter of Athena. I also accidentally bumped into the son of Hades, Nico and also died internally due to my own causes and externally due to Nico's causes, but before he got angry at me this bright boy, which I think was named Will, came and calmed him down.

They would definitely look cute together :)

UGH my Aphrodite instincts are kicking in. I love it but I hate it. Even though I'm not the girliest girl out there, it was nice discovering I had siblings and a whole other family full of craziness. I had always felt alone, especially when I told people about those monsters I sometimes witnessed and no one believed me. To know they are true and that there are people like me is comforting.

As I smiled to myself, I saw Percabeth, oops i accidentally combined their names because I thought of them at the same time hahaha, well anyway I saw Percy AND Annabeth strolling by, so before I let them go have their time together, I wanted to thank them for today. So I ran up to them and said "Hi Percy and Annabeth! Thanks for saving me today, and I'm sorry for being a nuisance Percy. Also Cna I just say youguysaresocutetogetherohmygodicant"

I started squealing a little but then recomposed myself as I had a startled Percy and Annabeth stare at me before they laughed. "Wow you really are Afrodite's kid, even though I would've thought Apollo or something from what I saw today hahaha," said Percy.

Annabeth continued by saying, "it's ok, we're glad we found you and that you're safe, considering you have been living a normal life perfectly well for longer than expected without knowing you're a demigod."

"You really are the best couple ever," I beamed.

They smiled and we exchanged our goodbyes. That night I walked back to my new bed for the first time in a long time feeling content with who I was and where I was going. As I dozed off to sleep, I thought, I'm so glad I met Percabeth, thank you mum.


Hi everyone! I really hope you enjoyed! I know I'm a bit rusty and it probably wasn't the best, but I really am trying.

Like I mentioned earlier please don't be afraid to leave any suggestions in the comments, I would really appreciate it!

Until next time my potatoes😊♥️🥔

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2018 ⏰

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