Tsuki and Kasai where shocked and surprised to see them give up so easily. They wished they could have helped. They wanted to get stronger. They continued to the next village.
"Boss these are the two that escaped we managed to get the star weapon too!" Ao stated proudly as he threw the three to the ground. "Good job, now you three we need to get those amulets out." He told them as he walked closer to them. He got Ao and Aka to pull Taiyo onto a large steel table. He grabbed a sharp blade and dug it deep into Taiyo's leg hoping to find the amulet. He screamed in pain. He banged his fist on the table in anger "Where is it!" He yelled "Well i only need one anyway." He began stabbing Taiyo allover. Kumo and Suta looked away as he screamed and cried in agony. After he punished Taiyo for not having the amulet he moved to Suta. He checked the tablet and stabbed him in the arm and didn't find the amulet. He repeated what he had done to Taiyo. The screams could be heard allover the forest. He ordered Ao to chain Taiyo and Suta to a wall in separate rooms. He pulled Kumo up onto the table. "You really are beautiful Kumo but.." He told her before stabbing her in the chest. He saw the glimmering of the white orb deep in her flesh. He grabbed it and placed it on a tray. He then stabbed her chest, arms and stomach over and over. Her screams where deafening and full of pain. She was then put in a room but not chained up like the others.
He walked over and picked up the orb and took it over to a bucket of water and washed it. He then placed in on a soft blue pillow and ordered Aka to stand gaurd. He took Ao and went to the rooms. Ao opened a large steel door. Suta had his arms and legs chained to the wall. His head dropped. He walked in. "So your the star weapon?" He asked "Now why don't you have your amulet?" He moved closer to Suta and lifted up his head. Holding it up. Ao watched from the door. "You expect me to tell you that after you put me through all that!?" Suta told him breathlessly. He stood up and walked over to Ao who had a whip in one hand and a knife in the other. He took the whip and began whipping Suta. "I don't even have the energy to scream anymore." He thought as he was being beaten. After about a half an hour he gave the whip back to Ao and left. "We will start tomorrow!" He told Ao before leaving to his quarters. "I will finally be the strongest man alive after all this time! These weapons are just tools for me to use to achieve my goal." He told himself.
The next day he got Ao to retrieve Kumo. She was taken to the room with the amulet. She was made to kneel on the ground. He made her stand up and summon her knife. He could hardly hold her weapon as she stumbled over to the pillow and picked up the orb. The orb fell from her weak hands. Aka picked it up and carried it over so she wouldn't drop it again. She cut his chest and reluctantly placed the orb in the wound. The wound healed up as soon as she removed her hand. She cried over what she had done. She was thrown back into her room. "I'm so sorry." She whispered through her tears as she hugged Katto.
He placed his hand on his chest. He then walked over to the large steel doors. He opened one. Suta had his head down with Yajrushi and Yumi laying on his weak wounded legs. He walked over and grabbed Yumi by her throat. She let out a loud cry. Yajrushi jumped up and tried to free Yumi but was hit to the ground. "Yumi! Yajrushi!" Suta cried helplessly as he carried them away. Aka brought over two small cages. He threw them into separate cages and placed them in a large empty room. The walls where silver, the floor was black. He walked to the next door. When it opened Taiyo was seen chained to the wall looking up at the dull celling. Taiyo moved his head down to see him standing at the doorway. He walked over to Taiyo. Satikku jumped in front of Taiyo. "Perfect." He whispered as he bent over and grabbed Satikku. He began screeching and crying out. He gripped around his tail tightly. "Satikku! You can do what ever you want to me just let him go!" Taiyo yelled as he threw Satikku into a small cage and began walking out Ao following closely behind. "Why do you things care so much for these creatures the star weapon had a similar reaction." He asked as he left and closed the door. Taiyo looked down at the floor. Ao placed the cage in the same room as the previous two.
The next one was Kumo's. Aka opened the door to see Kumo hugging nothing. He walked in past Aka and walked over to Kumo. "Will you give that to me or will i have to take him by force and you cry like the other two?" He asked when he crouched down and looked into her dull lifeless blue eyes. She held onto Katto tighter. "So your going to be stubborn." He replied Aka came over and began whipping her arms but she refused to left go. He then split her head with a sharp knife. Her grip loosened. She fell to the ground. She looked to the doorway. Her head began to heal. She laid helpless on the ground as they dragged him away. Tears ran down her face. Falling to ground as he disappeared behind the door.
Wasure Buki
ФэнтезиTsuki kishi is a young sixteen year old girl who has lived her life alone since the age of 3. After wandering aimlessly in the forest for years, she has finally began to live amongst the people but all that is soon taken away why?. Why was she aban...