Sam X Reader ~ 3

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Smooth Criminal!

Sam was doing research in the other room. You were in a Motel with the Winchesters, and they were looking for a case. Dean had gone out to the local Bar, and left you and your boyfriend Sammy to the research. You had just rolled your eyes and patted Dean's shoulder. Dean have you a "sweet" smile and drove off to the bar. You were surrounded by books, and you had your laptop on one stack of books on your lap.
"Hey (Y/n), come here I think I found something." Sam said, and you looked up.
"Be there in a minute!" You shouted from the other side of the motel room. You gently closed your laptop and started to carefully stack the ancient books in a pile by the armchair you were working in. Then, you got up and stretched, then decided to walk over to where Sam was. He was sitting at a table, with his laptop closed. Strange, you thought he was going to show you something.
"Well, what did you find?" You ask, and step in front of him. Sam just smiled and patted his lap, signaling for you to sit. You sat down in his lap as he wrapped his long arms around you, and rested his chin on your head.
"I found everything I need. I found you." Sam cooed, and kissed your soft lips. You blushed, and smiled like a little kid. These small things lit up your world. Sam was just so sweet and considerate, and that's what you loved about him. Looks is one thing, but the kindness in one's heart is a whole 'nother level. You kissed his cheek.
"I love you Sam."
"I love you too (Y/n)."

Dean came home late that night, and found you in Sam's bed. Dean was going to take the couch, but he saw that the one other bed wasn't taken. Dean just rolled his eyes and climbed into bed as you and Sammy breathed in sync.

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