Gabriel X Reader ~ 1

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This one's special! Special special Christmas special by Yours Truly! *wink* (everyone needs a little Gabriel in their lives)

Sam and Dean were in the other room arguing while you tried to catch up with research in the library. Their arguing was getting on your nerves. They should be happy, and this is just one of the days that you'd appreciate no arguing, it being Christmas Eve. Eventually, you snapped.
"Will you guys just stop whining like bratty bitches!? It's Christmas Eve for Gabriel's sake!" You shouted, and turned back to your reading. You liked to use Gabe's name in vain. It got his attention.

You heard the familiar swoosh of wings, and you looked up from your lore book to see Gabe in a Christmas hat. You giggled.
"Hey Gabriel. What's up?" You ask, and he walks in front of the desk your sitting at, directly across from you.
"Nothing much. Just wanted to pop in to see my favorite human." He said, and gave you a small smile. Dean and Sam had started arguing on wether or not they could get Cas to the top of the tree. You just groaned and basically threw your face into the binding of the dusty lore book, making you sneeze. Gabriel smiled down at you.
"Bless you. So would you like to ditch these psychos for a while?" Gabriel asked, and held out his hand. You nodded, and quickly scrawled a note to the Winchesters before you grabbed his hand.

You opened your eyes to one of the most beautiful sights you've ever seen (well besides Gabriel we all know that). He had taken you to the North Pole, and the northern lights were dancing above you. You were cold, not bringing a warmer jacket. You shivered involuntarily, and Gabriel noticed.
"May I?" Gabriel had his arms out wide and a sheepish smile on his face. You nodded and snuggled into Gabriel's warm embrace. He wasn't cold, but he generated a lot of body heat. You heard a sharp snap! and noticed that Gabe now had like three candy canes stuffed into his mouth. You giggled and he smiled brightly down at you.

When the candy canes dissipated, Gabriel looked at you lovingly as your face lit up along with the light show. You noticed this, and found his face inches from your own. Then what he did next, caught you off guard. He captured your lips in a firm, but gentle kiss. You had been waiting for this practically since you've met Gabriel. You kissed back, tasting the peppermint on his lips. Gabriel loved that you kissed him back. It made him feel special. When you two drew away, Gabriel smiled the brightest of smiles. He seemed super happy.
"I did say you were my favorite human, (Y/n). And I love you. I hope you know that. Merry Christmas,
(Y/n)." Gabriel whispered into your ear, and hugged you very tightly against himself.




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