Chapter 40

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Authors Note:

Sandhya once looked at Akira before opening her mouth. Akira had shivers down her spine and tears were slowly filling her eyes.

"Wait, you guys read my diary?!?" Akira said trying to shift the subject.

"We had to. When I found out you were dating Dev once I had to find out why in the world you set me up with him!!" Sandhya said.

Mahira again shot a bullet in the air, "if one of you doesn't tell me what's going on than trust me the next bullet will be inside your head!!" Mahira yelled.

"Mahira please stop this!! I have tried to give everything in the world since mom and dad left but please if I have made a mistake than shoot me not anyone else." Akira claimed.

"No Mahira don't listen to her she doesn't care about anyone else but herself!!" Jai said.

"What?!? I'm dying here for you at least have some sympathy for me!" Akira chuckled.

"The sympathy bus has gone Akira if you were really my friend you would've told me the truth!!" Jai complained.

"Stop acting like a child Jai I don't want your sympathy I knew you would act this way so I never told you in these two years!!" Akira explained.

Jai just crossed in arms and looked at the other way while Mahira put her gun on Sandhyas head and the room went silent.

"Talk." Mahira demanded.

"Dev you misunderstood Akira two years ago don't do it again, if you for a second thought why Akira was breaking up with you than we wouldn't be here!! This time don't let your ego come in the way Akira is right in front you dammit!!" Sandhya yelled and Mahira made her grip on Sandhays shoulder tighter.

"Sandhya stop trying to fix this because no one not even God can fix this. You should've just married Dev and continued on." Akira said taking a seat.

"Why did you break up with me?" Dev asked.

"What?" Akira asked.

"Why did you break up with me?!" Dev barked.

"Dev this is not the time to be asking stupid questions!!" Akira said rubbing her head in frustration and getting up.

Dev griped her hand and demanded for an answer. Akira softly pulled away from Dev and walked towards Mahira.

"Drop the gun or shoot me." Akira said.

"I want to shoot Sandhya because she took Jai away from me!!" Mahira cried.

"No one took Jai away from you but you. If anyone deserves to be shot it's you." Akira said coldly.

"I don't have much to live for anymore so please Mahira for gods sake stop this." Akira pleaded.

"Beta (child) don't talk like that everything will be fine." Devs mom said.

"Mom why are you taking her side?" Dev asked.

"Everyone just shut up!!!!!! Sandhya tell me why they broke up or I will put this bullet in your head!!!" Mahira yelled.

"Akira...Akira..." Sandhya mumbled.

"No Sandhya don't." Akira begged.

"Akira broke up with Dev because...because she had a brain tumor..."

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