Untitled Part 16

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"What's taking so damn long?" Bryson paces back and forth, wishing he knew what was going on inside the fences. It had been over a week since Jess had infiltrated Lemuria and told him about how Paige and Zach were being held prisoner, and been able to build up enough trust to get the weapons to them. She was supposed to meet them here at sunrise to fill them in and go over the escape plan, but she'd never shown up. It was now quickly approaching noontime, and with each passing hour he was slowly spiraling towards insanity.

All he could think about was if she'd somehow gotten caught, or if his brother and Paige had been discovered with the guns. Who knew what Victor would do to them if he found out?

"Calm down," Travis says, resting a heavy hand on his shoulder. "Listen, I need you wait here and see if Jess comes looking for us. Be ready to run when I get back."

Bryson snags Travis' coat as he tries to jog off. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You want your friends back, don't you?" He shoots him a did you seriously just ask that? look.

"Just trust me, then. I'll be back soon. And remember- be ready to run!"

Bryson curses under his breath as Travis disappears into the trees, a terrible feeling settling into the pit of his stomach. Now along with worrying about his family and Jess, he got to add worrying about what Travis was up to to the list.

Be ready to run? From what? Or who?

He's not sure how much time has passed when he finally hears footsteps approaching, but they're from the wrong side of the fence. Travis was still M.I.A, but Jess bounds up to him, gripping the chainlink as she glances around.

"Sorry I'm late, Victor wouldn't leave me alone. Where's Travis?" The wind tears at her dark hair, stirring up nostalgia within him.

"He left when you never showed this morning. Said something about a plan."

"What the hell?"

"That's what I'm saying. I don't have a good feeling about this."

"Do you really think he'd do something stupid?"


A tense silence fills the space between them. "How are they?" He asks finally.

"Your friends are fine. I think we should strike tonight. They're getting restless."

"So am I. As soon as it's dark enough I'll climb the fence, with or without Travis. I'll meet you at the house you're staying at then we can get them."

"Okay." Jess focuses on something behind him, her brows creasing in concern. At first he thinks a roamer must be creeping up on him, but as he turns, he catches a flash of someone running through the trees. Travis skids to a halt beside the fence, clipping away at the chain link with a pair of hedge trimmers.

"Woah, hold on there! We can't go in until tonight." Had Travis gone mad?

"Yeah, new plan. We gotta move." Something about the frenzy in his voice set the hairs on the back of his neck on end.

"Why? What did you do?"

"I created our distraction."

More footsteps shuffle through the trees, and he's shocked to see hundreds of roamers approaching in the distance. In just a few moments, they would arrive at the fence.

"Oh my god." All the blood has drained from Jess' face as she backs away. Travis cuts the final piece of the fence away, creating a hole big enough for several roamers to fit through at the same time. Bryson snatches his jacket, slamming him into a nearby tree.

"You idiot! My family is in there!"

In just a matter of minutes, the fences of Lemuria would be breached. He had to make it to Paige and Zach before the roamers did.

"You better run fast then, brother."

Bryson shoves Travis away, making a run for it. Jess joins beside him. "I'll run ahead and warn them. The guards will abandon the house if they know the fences are breached. You get your friends and get out!"

"What about you?" He may have only known her a short time, but Jess had proven herself to him. Without her help, he never would have made it this far. If something happened to her, he'd feel horrible.

"Don't worry about me. Now's my chance to round up some people and get out of here. Just like I'd planned."

They give each other a nod, full of understanding. Jess runs ahead, darting between the buildings as she calls for help. Bryson stops to catch his breath, knowing he can't stay in one place for too long or the horde will catch up. Whenever people start running past him without a second glance, he knows its safe to head to the house where Zach and Paige are.

Gunfire erupts nearby as Bryson bursts through the unguarded front door, searching frantically. Zach rounds the corner, his gun level with Bryson's forehead. It takes a second for him to realize who it is.

"Bryson!" He drops the gun, pulling him in for a hug. He holds him at arms length, checking him over for injuries. Zach was alive and well. But where was Paige?

"Where is she?" Dread fills him. He thought she'd be at the house, with Zach. He was supposed to stop by, get them, and bolt out of Lemuria.

"They came and took her to see Doc about ten minutes ago."

Bryson heads out the door, watching terrified citizens run down the street, boarding themselves up in their homes. "Hey, what's going on?"

"The fences were breached. There's a horde inside Lemuria right now."

One of the roamers climbs onto the porch, its teeth snapping the whole time. Bryson kicks it, sending it tumbling down the stairs, not even bothering to kill it.

They had to find Paige, quickly, before it was too late.

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