why are you here kelly asked Alex? well I am kinda of confused right now. yeah they slammed you're head into a brick wall like 3 times than when the cops pushed you into the jail cell you're head hit the wall again than when you fell to the floor and you hit you're head pretty hard on the ground. I thought you were dead to be honest but when I slaw you wake up and ask who was there i was so so so happy because i knew. knew what asked kelly? That i wasn't alone. i am sorry Alex but not alone with what kelly asked. well Alex started to explained this isn't a really big place it is just like a little house for all gays and lesbians . this is probable worse than a jail to be honest. the people that work here are like really mean they treat me really bad and as you know by now that they are also treating you bad. where is every one asked kelly well the thing is that me and you are the only 2 in the whole world that are here i have been here ever since i was 5 Alex said. i was caught playing with my boobs than i tried to kiss my friend. at school and i was sent here. so kelly why are you here asked Ales well kelly said i was caught fingering myself in the girls bathroom at school. oh said Alex loll yeah kelly said. i am 14 Alex said how old are you kelly? OMG!!! that's really coll i am also 14.
RomansaTwo girls that fall in love they are the perfect two they are unstoppable they are as you may call lesbian lovers forever.