chapter 8

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Unknown POV

I just sat down in the club when I seen killa and his lil team walk in I laughed and turned to my right hand man .

"Ayye do the deed and quick" he nodded walking off .

I couldnt wait to get them where they least expected it .


Kendrick POV

We had just walked in the club and we was lowkey looking for this nigga target I was hoping I'd see him first . But man I dont know something about being in here gave me a weird vibe .

"Aye bruh im going to get a drink Ill hit ya line if I see him" I nodded at jay as I watched khadashia and B bop to the music she was dancing on B but I know it was me she wanted to dance with .

I was snapped outta my gaze on her when some lil jawn came in front me smiling .

"Damn Killa you dont even remember me ?!" She said with a attitude she looked so good mad doe .

I smirked leaning back alil and pulling on my chin hair . "Nah , but that sucks cause you look like something to remember"

She blushed running her finger tips down my chest . "come with me and ill give you something to remember" I nodded slowly looking around the club not seeing dashia but I threw it off she probably went to get a drink with B .

Shawty pulled me into a bathroom locking the door I smirked as she got on her knees and pulled my hard member out . Something wasnt right tho its like she was procrastinating .

I looked at her and grabbed her hair pulling her up . "Who tf sent you to me" she looked shocked than tryed to play it off .

"Nn..nobody" She said with tears in her eyes .

I threw her against the wall and walked out the door calling everybody to see if they picked up once they picked up I hung up I called dashia she aint answer my nerves started bothering me .


Khadashia POV

I was dancing with B when I seen some girl come in front of kendrick and take his attention off me and he let her I got frustrated and walked away telling B Ill be right back .

I walked right into somebody almost falling on my ass . He laughed and I knew exactly who it was so I pulled back .

"Damn tough love you dont miss a nigga ma ?"

I just walked pass him when I felt him inject me with something and I was gone to the world I couldnt feel nothing and next thing I couldnt see nothing and that was it .


This is short lol just a filler Ill update in a few .

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