Chapter 16

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While khadashia was being loved up and rubbed up by Kendrick she felt like she was in heaven . She felt so complete knowing she had him all to herself for once but in the back of her mind she knew something was gonna happen .

Jay had just woken up from being knocked out he opened his eyes slowly trying to register where he was he moved his wrist knowing he was tied down moved his legs and noticed they weren't tied down .

When he opened his eyes he felt like he couldnt breath anymore . But he played it off trying to be strong cause if they seen any fear in him they would kill her he looked at his mom on the flppr beating and bleeding . someone cleared there throat and he simply looked up at them .

Clearing his throat he smiled "Wassup pops , nice view I have here . Huh ?"

In his fathers head he couldnt believe how well jay had grpwn he stood alil proud but little did jay know he knew he was breaking inside he wasnt as strong as he portrayed .

His dad gave a serious face than smirked as he ran a blade up his wife's arm . He seen the anger spark in jays eyes he started to grin forgetting he was hurting his wife in the process .

Jays anger sky rocketed as he tried to get up he just looked like a baboon .

While Jay was being mentally tortured so was mariah as she sat home rocking back and forth rubbing her belly just thinking about the possibilty of jay not coming home . she couldnt take it she picked up the phone and started dialing a number .

Stoney was on his way to go handle some business when he seen a pretty thick brown skin girl he smiled to his self thinking yes atleast somebody got meet on there bones .

He walked up too her with a smirk on his face as she was ordering from one of the cookie stands "Aye baby gurl awhat dis ya buy from?" She looked at him

"A cookie stand now excuse me ." She said moving him over as she went on to go shopping he guessed . He smiled loving the challenge . Little did the girl know he had her phone as he typed his number in it and called himself than ran up to her and put her phone back in her pocket .

"Hope I see you more" he said while walking away .

Brittney was alone at home trying to get her mind right she needed to speak to jay that was like her brother and lpwkey her crush . She missed him and its like he wasnt coming around no more it made her feel some way .

But it was weird for him not to reply to her text in a whole day she just took it as he was on business but she slowly was getting the feeling something was going wrong with him .

Trey never took emotions and hospitals right he just dealt with shit the violent way so when he got a call from one of his old homies telling him jay went shooting up a area and never came out .

So now trey was on his first flight to Miami to go help his boy he didn't want to bother killa with the info cause he thought it was some light shit he could handle but little did he know his boy had set him up cause when he got off that plane he was snatched after putting up a good fight knocking 3 people out and shooting one .

But somebody shot him in the shoulder making him drop his gun and than somebody came and knocked him clean out trey instantly dropped with anger written on his face .

Kendrick was watching khadashia sleep as he texted trey and jay for the 20th time today he was getting pissed he was trying to stay cool but shit wasn't right they always replied back and its been a whole day if he didn't get a response back sooner or later he was taking matters into his own hands .


This chapter is short but its just a outlook and filler on the bullshit that is about to happen in the next chapter . Stay tuned .

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