Chapter 13

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Khadashia POV

A week had went passed and things was going good they had found dre and killed him I guess so I wasnt to worried bout nahn .

I was sitting on my brother couch playing in Kendrick hair while he layed his head on my titties .

"Mane just cause I approve of yall lul shits dont mean be sitting up in my shit all cuddled up"

We laughed "Aye bruh im bout tired asf mane I love my nieces but im glad they gone back to nola" kendrick said closing his eyes laying his head back on my titties .

"Listen mane shit might be alil busy at the trap with this new cartel and with me leaving for a month you ready for that old man" Jay said laughing .

He looked at him "Nigga really I trained you yunging dont act up" he said smirking .

"Nigga we was on the same corner making it happen bruh , You just wont let the fact I almost sold to a DT (detective) till you stopped me go"

He laughed "Hell nah bruh"

We chilled with my brother talking till it was time to get ready for him to go .

We was walking out to my car I forced kendrick to drive with me in my hot pink G-Wagon he acted like it was killing him .

"Hurry up bruh I dont wanna be seen in this bright mobile" He said pouting and getting the car .

I laughed hopping in "Im bout hungry asf we stopping at wendys I want some nuggets"

He groaned "Aye let me drive this hoe cause you drive like a grandma im tryna go home" I laughed and nodded as he got out and we switched spots .


We arrived at burger king drive threw he told the lady threw the intercom what we wanted than we drove up to the window to pay .

Kendrick smiled giving the girl the money , alil to fucking hard but I aint say nun .

The girl blushed "Thank you sir you just have a nice day" she said flirtatiously as she passed him the bags and there fingers brushed against each others .

"No problem babeh dont work to hard" he passed me the drinks than drove off like that wasnt nothing .

I turmed looking at him "So you musta lost ya muhfucking mind" I said mad asf .

He looked confused as he payed attention to the road . "Wahh ?"

"I aint sitting tf hea ?!" I yelled "No problem baebeh" I saod mocking him .

"Man calm df down I was being polite" he said sounding annoyed .

I cocked my hand back and slapped him right across his chest .

"Mhm I hea ya , Gon and continue being polite"

"If I wasnt driving guh I be done loosened ya jaw bone" he said clenching his fist on the steering wheel .

I aint say nun just waited to get home .


Kendrick POV

We pulled up to the house and I barely even stopped and parked the car in the drive way before dashia was out the car and walking inside . She bout tripped in fell on her face with how fast she was moving .

I walked in the house after having the door slammed in my face I see khadashia putting her drink on the kitchen counter then storming up the stairs . I grabbed her by her shirt pulling her into me .

"You lost ya fucking mind guh ?!" I said turning her around making her face me .

"Nah but you lost yours get duh fuck off me" she said rolling her eyes .

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