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The ride home was not as awkward as I would have expected it to be. I mean yea, there was....um.....that.....

We are riding back to town now. With our immense luck, we will get there in bits and pieces. I am sitting in front of Rowan and to pass time we decided to play truth or dare. Mostly truths because we really couldn't dare, but that's besides the point. "Okay Peter truth or dare?" I ask. I'm hoping for a truth; I want to know what happened in the forest. Hey, I'm curious!

"Umm...." He sighs, "I guess truth. But no personal questions!"

"But that's the point of truth or dare!"

"Ugh, fine."

"Okay, um...who do you have a crush on?" As soon as I say that, I regret it. I feel Rowan tense up behind me and Peter looks visibly uncomfortable. Um....bad timing?

"Umm...well....she's....ahhhh....you know, like.........." I can feel Rowan's eyes piercing at Peter. Is there something I'm missing here?

"Peter," just as those words leave my mouth he goes me a hopeful look, "you don't have to answer that question. Sorry. To make up for it you can ask me a question. And I'll answer truthfully." I wonder what he could ask. I mean, I hope it's not as personal and awkward for metro answer. But something tells met his is not the case.

"Let's see....if you could kiss anyone here, right now, who would it be?" Rowan is practically steel. He's so tense you can feel it one hundred meters away. But I said I was going to answer it, so I will.

"Well there are good choices here. I'm sorry, but I chose Maximus." Rowan audibly sighs, while Peter scowls. Was he looking for a real answer? Because that's what I would do. I mean come on, we have to include Maximus. You can't just not.......

" I mean for real Azalea. Who is it? Who do you choose?" You can someone had spoiled milk this morning. But he kind of has a point, who would I choose? I don't want to give him an answer though, for I am not sure myself. I know me and Peter had some sort of a connection in the past, but now? All I can say is that we are friends...as for Rowan? Well he's always been there for me and strong feelings are there, but as something more? 

"Listen, this is no time for me to answer this question. Even if I think I know the answer tomorrow it may be different. As of right now you both are my friends, nothing more. And I wasn't lying when I said Maximus before." Peter lets the subject drop after that. And boy am I glad. I don't think I could have lasted through hours of constant questioning. I would have broke at some point. And that's what I'm afraid of.


I mean it wasn't that bad, right? I mean sure someone acted like a jerk, *cough cough* but it was all in good fun. Who am I kidding, I'm furious! And just when I was thinking I'd go to the ball! Thank God that after most of the ride back home, we want our separate ways! Now I am home, although I'm not quite used to the term. His sisters don't seem to be home at the moment, but his mother is.

"Mum, I'm home!" She finishes what she was doing, which happened to be dishes.

"Rowan!" She mumbles, as she hugs him to death. "I haven't heard from you! You worried me sick!" She releases Rowan from the hug and immediately envelopes me in one. "You too! You both could have been killed!" I hug her back, only with a moments hesitation.

"Mum, I was wondering.....can Azalea stay with us? I know that she would be one more mouth to feed, but you know I help! And not to mention she loves to help to! Please mum? I mean-"

"Yes dear. If it's alright with Azalea," she turns to me, expecting me to know the answer. Is this how I want to live my life? Will Lady Guinevere find me? What should I do?

"Um...if it's okay with you guys...I think I'll stay here," a smile immediately graces my features. I am enveloped in a hug from both of them. I can't help but fight back the tears that are threatening to spill from my eyes. I feel like, for the first time, I actually have a family. Like I actually belong. After the mere moments of being embraced, I look up at them, tears eyed. "Thank you. Thank you, so much. I-I feel like I actually have a family now." Grace and Sarah walk in as I'm saying those words and quickly run to me.

"She's staying?" Grace says in awe.

"Well duh!" I reply. I actually have sisters who won't belittle me, or that will take sides with my step-mother.

Prince Peter's POV

When I broke apart from Azalea and.....Rowan I knew that my lovely sisters would be home at last. While this whole ordeal hasn't been my favorite experience, my sisters always know how to cheer me up. I am only 20 minutes from the castle and to say I'm excited is an understatement. I can't wait to sleep in a bed, wake up and have a delicious breakfast and to do nothing. This is going to be a fun weekend.

I gallop on the driveway of my home and I see my mother there. "Mother!" I yell at the top of my lungs. She looks at me, sadness in her eyes. What could it be this time? I trot closer to her and jump off my horse. "Mum are you okay? What's the matter?" I search frantically in her eyes, but she avoids my gaze. "Mum?"

She sighs, "Tis your sister.....Sapphire. She.......she.....she.....she has the plague."

Hey guys! I'm sorry for this really short update! I was in a car for around 5 hours. Yay. But I promised an update, so I updated! I will (hopefully) be updating on Friday too! This one will be longer! Thanks for all the votes!


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