Chapter 1

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Taehyung's pov

It's friday night. the day where i'm going to meet my friend, jungkook. he promised me to bring a friend of his. yeah, he pities me for being alone too long.
i'm wearing a white shirt, with denim jeans. well, i think it's important to give him nice first impression.
looking at the time, it's 40 minutes left until the appointed time. so i drive to the cafe which jungkook has mentioned.
i'm 15 minutes earlier arrived there. jungkook texted me, saying that he's on his way with his friend and tell me to take the seat he has reserved first.
the waitress directed me to the table in the corner. i'm playing a game on my phone as i waste my time while waiting for them.

finally, a tall-muscular boy with black shirt and jeans showed up, walking towards me, along with his friend behind him.
we greeted each other excitedly because it's been awhile since the last time we hang out. then the boy behind him showed up, painting out a warm smile of his, along with the eyesmile. we offered each other's hand for a handshake. his hand is pretty chubby, soft and fluffy. park jimin is his name. oh, beautiful. moreover, we were both born in the same year.
he sits in front of me. we glance at each other a lot of times. even while eating. we have the same taste in food. he's a kind person. i know it, even though this is the first time we met.
jungkook gave so much compliments about him too. but got him choked while he was drinking. i laughed at him, he's pretty shy.

it's getting late, we gotta say goodbye. but i still want to know about him more. so i dare myself to ask him for having his kkt. jungkook teased him. and his cheeks went all pink. cute.
we waved at each other. again, he showed his eyesmile to me. i just like it so much.
i went home, not washing up, straightly waddled into the bed, unconciously checking my phone. i didn't receive any notifications. letting out a small sigh, i'm thinking. whether i should text him or not, i'm afraid he won't be happy receiving my message. ugh, i just roll in my bed, without knowing what to do.
and suddenly my phone beep. i beam excitedly and quickly grab my phone to check it. disappointly, it's just from my older brother, hoseok hyung. i got sadden.
what's the point of waiting anyway. i'll just text him first. opening the kkt, going straight to tap his chat room, but then i stop. wondering what i should say. so i carefully type, "hello, jimin. are you home yet?"

i lock my phone and put it aside me. staring at the ceilings with my heart beating pretty fast while waiting for his response. a moment later, my phone beep. i quickly glance at it, pick it up and check it curiously. a wide smile painted on my face soon after i found that it was his reply, saying "oh, taehyungie, hello. yes, i'm home. sorry for my late reply, i was taking shower, hehe."
my heart skips a beat in both excitement and happiness. i couldn't stop smiling. i quickly text him back. tonight is just so good, after a long time i'm finally this happy. he must be the one.
we spend the night talking over the kkt. we got along really well, he's nice, just as i thought.
i smiled and laughed a lot to my phone, like an idiot. until the midnight, we both are sleepy, we greeted a warm good night to each other before going to sleep. ah.. i can fall asleep peacefully and happily tonight.


the next morning, i wake up seeing his messages. "taehyungie! good morning. i'm going for work now"
i beam excitedly and my hands just type so fast to reply him. "i just woke up jiminie, good morning! wow you're so early ㅋㅋ" i jumped off the bed and went straight to the bathroom, quickly wash up and get ready for work as well.
so, it has only been a month since i was promoted as a manager in the hotel i work at. it's good, as soon as i stepped in the office, the workers would greet me well. ah.. i really did great.
but i have a lot of work to do today.. i feel burden. i wonder what jimin is doing right now. and where he works..

unconciously, i left my work and picked up my phone, texting him.
"jimin ah! afternoon. are you busy? hehe."
i put down my phone slowly, staring at it as i wait for him to read my message. i continue doing my work. but i peek at my phone a lot of times though. "why isn't he replying me? not even read." i mumble.
i left my work again and prop my chin onto my palm, staring at my phone screen. then i realized that he has read it. i widen my eyes and my mouth parted slightly, still staring at my phone screen, then i pick it up. "w- why is he" i stuttered by myself and keep staring at the screen.
"sorry taehyungie, i had to finish some work. but i'm done! um, are you working too right now?" he replied.
a wide smile painted on my face as he replied.

"hm- yeah. oh.. i see. but i'm about to finish it too! err.. jimin ah-" i typed half way and sent it. i want to ask him out for dinner tonight. but i'm not sure. i wipe my cold-sweated forehead, biting my lower lip, waiting for his replies again.
"pfft. you shouldn't play your phone during your working time, taetae~. um?"
i gulp down my saliva and start typing. "uh- i know but this is important. err.. do you have any plans for tonight?"
then i carefully move my thumb to press the send button and i close my eyes, hoping my plan will go smooth.
"no! i'm totally free tonight. hehe. why do you ask so? is there anything you want from me? ;)"
a bright smile appeared from my face, i eagerly reply. "good! yes, um, do you want to go for a dinner with me? but it's okay if you want to rest at home instead. i won't force-"
"dinner! sure! i'd love to. so, what time and where is it?"
i stop and think for awhile. hmm..
"i'll pick you up at 7. and about the place- how about you choose? have you been craving to eat anything lately?"
"honestly no, but i think i want to have pizza for tonight. how does it sound?"
"well, okay. pizza is it. then.. see you tonight jiminie! i gotta finish my work"


i was never like this before. i get ready so fast and excitedly this time. even an hour earlier than the appointed time.
i didn't even take rest after going back from work. ah.. maybe it's because this is still the beginning.
i picked up my phone and texted jimin, asking if he's ready yet. i sit on my bed and hug a pillow as i wait for his reply, my stomach starts making sound. i'm really hungry.
the notification came in and i quickly check. it's not him.... i heave a sigh and pout my lips.
if i had asked his address earlier i'd have gone to his house now-- ugh. it's already 6.15.

i throw myself back onto the bed and growl. i pick up my phone and push the call button right away.
"hello?" a voice came out from the line.
my eyes are widen and i quickly get up, i'm stuttering.
"uh- oh- ji- jimin ah, are you ready yet?" oh shit.. why am i nervous, this isn't my style though.
"um yeah! i'm just done getting ready, are you on your way now? should i go out to wait for you now?"
"n- no! not yet- you haven't told me your address, so.. hehe" i scratch the back of my head, grinning like an idiot.
jimin bursts into laughter. "sorry tae, i forgot to tell! i'll send it through ktalk right now okay!"

i rush to my car and drive fast to the address he gave me. gladly i can make it in 10 minutes. wow- that's pretty fast. i mumbled.
and a boy in black shirt, long jeans, with beanie on his head, came out of the house.
i beam happily as i see him, and hitting the wheel excitedly. then he gets in, he greets warmly and smiling widely, along with his eyesmile. i smiled back widely, and trying to be calm even though my heart keeps beating fast.
i shoudn't be nervous.
i turn on the music player. unexpectedly, a romance song comes out. i widen my eyes looking at the tape, gulp down my saliva. i keep myself calm outside and drive to the pizza restaurant.

"so, how's your day jiminie?"
jimin turns his head aside to look at me.
"hmm.. i think it's just so-so, this far! i wonder if someone would make my day" he lets out a soft chuckle.
i chuckle along him. "how to make your day anyway?"
he looks at me again and grins. "why would you want to know? you want to try to make my day? hm? hm?"
"w- what? of- of course no! why would i try doing that." i stick my tounge out at him playfully, jokingly.
"then i won't tell you~~" he makes a silly face and sticks his tounge out back at me. he is very cute.
"you look like idiot by making that face- show me again later and i'll take a picture of it!" i burst into a loud laugh.
"you want to take a picture of this cutie? nooo you can't!"
"why? of course i can! noting that kim taehyungg can't do. just see! anyways, we're here, let's eat! i'm starving"

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