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   After a short while, the two outlaws started waking up.
   "Ugh..." Gurrdur grunted. "What happened?"
   "We beat you." I reply. "We got into a fight and you lost."
   "Oh... Yeah... I remember now. I guess you runts want your stones back."
   "No. We have no reason to keep them."
   "Why?" Thunder asked. "Why did you use us like that?"
   "Because in today's world, honest working folk are left behind. These days it's about success through any means necessary, no matter how immoral. It's take or be taken advantage of."
   "The 'nice guys finish last' mentality... I'm all too familiar with that..." I mused.
   Gurrdur slowly gets himself up, having some trouble staying steady. "Then you should know that you two don't stand a chance in this world unless you harden your hearts and do whatever it takes to win." Suddenly the two Timburr rush up behind us, looking over the scene that presents itself.
   "So you found them." One of them said. "I hope you didn't have to hurt Gurrdur too badly."
   Gurrdur looks at them, angry. "What?! You told them where to find me?!"
   "We're not putting up with this any longer. We want the old Gurrdur back! The one we enjoyed working for!"
   "That Gurrdur is dead. He died long ago. I'm all that's left. And I don't tolerate betrayal!" With that he smacks them both with his I-beam and leaves. Scraggy, unsure of what to do, simply sneaks away in the commotion. Thunder and I rush to the Timburr's aid.
   "Are you hurt?" Thunder asks.
   "No. We're ok." One replies.
   "You said you wanted the 'old Gurrdur' back." I say, curious. "What did you mean by that?"
   "He wasn't always like this. When we first met him he was jolly, kind, and so much fun to work with. He loved his work. Building was his passion. Even after that debilitating injury he pushed forward and kept working. But... That changed after a certain project. Someone asked him to build him a house. Gurrdur was in a very good mood that day. He poured his heart and soul into that building. He was so proud. Then the client just... Destroyed it. Burned it to the ground. All that work was just... Gone. Something snapped in him that day. He changed. His heart grew cold, he stopped building all together. He resorted to scams like this to make a living. For a while we just went along with it but..."
   "We can't do it anymore." The other interjected. "We need him back to his old self. Sadly I don't think that's possible anymore." Wow... That has to be hard. Having someone you care about change like that. That's heartbreaking.
I turn to face Thunder. "I wish there was something we could do..."
Thunder thinks for a moment. "...Maybe there is."
"What are you thinking about?"
"The turning point was the destruction of that home that he put so much effort into, right? So what if we insist for him to build ours? Get him doing what he loves again."
"Would he even listen to us?"
"Probably not. But he might listen to them." Thunder gestures to the Timburr. I'm a slight bit skeptical. I'm not entirely confident that this will work. But... On the other hand, maybe the voice of reason is exactly what he needs.
"You two willing to try?" I ask.
"Yes. Yes we are."
"Then let's go."


Eventually we find Gurrdur. We pick up the pace to catch up.
"Gurrdur! Wait!" Thunder called out.
He turns around to look at us. "Not you four again... Let me guess. You're here to rub salt in the wound?"
"No. Not even close." I reply. "We're here to ask you to help build our house."
"So you are here to mock me. Why would you want someone like me to build your home? There's no reason to trust me."
"They know, Gurrdur. They know what happened." One of the Timburr says. "We miss the old you. The one that loved his job. The one that cared for those around him. The one that suffered a debilitating injury and still kept going because he loved what he did. Please..."
"I've already told you. That part of me is gone. It died when they destroyed my work."
"He's not gone." Thunder replied. "He's still in there. I understand. You were heartbroken. You saw your work go up in flames. But you can't let that destroy who you are. You are Gurdurr. The builder who loves his work. The man who won't let anything get between him and his passion. You are not a thief. You are not a scammer. You are a builder."
"We care too much to let you stay like this." A Timburr adds. "We can start anew. So what do you say?"
Tears are welling up in Gurrdur's eyes. "You... You actually care that much? For someone who just tried to manipulate you?" With those words, the dam broke. Tears flooded forth as he sobbed. Not very manly, but at this point, who really cares? This isn't a tough guy moment. This is a tender heart moment. "Thank you... I... I've never been treated with compassion like that. I'm sorry. You're right. This is not me."
"All is forgiven." I reply.
"And you two." He looks to the Timburr. "Thank you for holding out hope for me."
"We're just glad you're back, boss." We let him cry it out. No use rushing things.
After a while, he gets himself under control. "So... Enough of me crying like a hatchling," wait... Hatchling? "Let's go build a house!"


We set to work building the house. Needless to say, it's tiring work. But with all five of us working on it, we're making progress. After a few days, our work is completed. The house may not be the most aesthetically pleasing one out there, but it's got a homely feel to it.
"Sorry that it's a bit rubbish. It's been a while since I've actually built something."
"It's perfect! I love it!" Thunder exclaimed. I'd probably have said something similar, but he beat me too it. Besides, Gurrdur needs his self confidence back. If there's one person who can elicit positivity, it's Thunder.
"It's getting late. We should rest." I say.
"You're right." Gurrdur agrees. "Goodnight, then. Enjoy your new home."
"I'm sure we will. Come on, Alex."
Exhausted from a long, hard days work, we plop into our beds and quickly nod off.

Pokèmar Episode I: The Gates to InfinityWhere stories live. Discover now