World in Peril

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Our arrival back to Post Town was met by a crowd of everyone asking what it was like. I felt like a celebrity being hounded by the press. Though I was glad to see everyone again. And glad to see life going back to its "normal" state. Doing requests, rescuing Pokemon in peril, growing the town of Pokemon Paradise, the usual.


I wake up with a satisfied yawn. Thunder does the same shortly thereafter.
"Morning, Thunder." I say.
"Morning, Alex." He replies. "Same thing today?"
"That's the plan."
   A knock on the door interrupts us. "Hey! Alex! Thunder! Come on out!" Emolga's voice calls from the other side of the door. "I have something cool to show you!"
   "Be right there!" I call back. I turn back to Thunder. "Shall we?"
   "Lead the way." I nod and reach for the door. Pulling it open I see... Nothing?
   "...Emolga?" I call, looking around the yard. The dry, grassless yard. Man, I should probably ask Gurrdur to help with landscaping. "Where'd you go?"
   "Over here!" He calls from behind the house.
   "Emolga? What are you doing back there?"
   "Back where? I'm over here!" Wait... His voice is coming from... The right? But wasn't he... "And here!" Behind us again? "And now over here!" Ok, what the... "I've learned to teleport!"
   "Thunder, is that even a thing here?" I whisper quietly.
   "With some psychic types, yes. Not with Emolgas."
   "Then how the-"
   "And I can be in multiple places at once!" Seriously?! There are voices everywhere! How- wait a minute... Didn't we come back from the Glacier Palace with something that could do this?
   "I think I know what's going on here, Thunder..." I say as I walk to where one of the voices came from. Sure enough, my suspicions were confirmed. A frism. I pick it up and show it to Thunder. "Our friend has been toying with us."
   "Of course..." Thunder hones in another location and finds Emolga speaking into another frism. "Hang on a moment... I thought we only brought back one of those." Thunder catches Emolga off guard and startles him. He looks at Thunder, embarrassed at being found out. I soon catch up to them, a smirk showing on my face.
   "Uh... Well, Umbreon and Espeon snagged a few extra for research purposes." He responds. "I just decided to play a prank on you with them... Sorry..."
   I chuckle in response. "It's no harm done. So, is this what you came to show us?"
   "No, actually. Come with me."


"Ever since you guys left for the Great Glacier these yellow orbs have been appearing in the distance."
"Does anyone know what they are?" Thunder asks.
"No one has any idea. At least they look cool." Emolga leads us to the Post Town hill and points to the horizon. "That one just appeared this morning. All they do is float up into the sky." Sure enough, there was a yellow orb. Slowly acceding into the sky.
"Huh. Strange." I say. "How many of these things have appeared since we left?
"I lost count at 20." Emolga answers.
"Any patterns?" I inquire. "Are they appearing more or less frequently than when they started? Are they a precise time apart?"
"Not that anyone's noticed. They appear random."
"Might be worth investigating at some point. What do you think, Thunder?"
"I wouldn't mind figuring out where these things are coming from." He relplies. "Anyways, wanna come with on a mission, Emolga?"
"Would I?! I'd love to!"
"Then we'll meet you back at Paradise Center. We've got a few things to work on before we can go."
"Alright then. See you there!"


...Back in psychedelic world again. I had just gotten into bed for the night. But it appears that fate has other plans.
"Alex! Can you hear me?!" The voice cries.
"Yes! Yes I can hear you!" Finally! I can respond. "Who are you?
"Oh, praise Arceus... I finally got through." A floating figure appears before me. It's that same pink creature that I saw in that vision on day 1. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Munna. And I have been trying to contact you this whole time."
"I've gotten snippets occasionally, but it's good to finally meet face to face. Or, as close as one can through telepathy. You've been mentioning a threat to this world. Can you elaborate?"
"Hydreigon. A monster fueled by hunger. It kills and devours anyone it finds. It has taken many, many lives already. If it keeps this up, it will disrupt the balance of the natural law. Catastrophe will occur and everyone on this world will perish. "
"Well, what can I do against something like that? I'll just end up as another piece of meat in its stomach. I'm not some hero..."
"Maybe not in your world, but here, you are. You're human. Something unique. And you are stronger for it. All that I ask is that you at the very least try. And if not for me or this planet, do it for your friends." ...she has a point... Could I live with myself if I stood idly by as the billions of lives were extinguished, knowing I had the chance to save them? And my friends, Thunder, Dunsparce, Emolga, everyone. They'll all die if I don't at least try and intervene. I have to help. For their sakes.
"...count me in. What do you need me to do?"
"Thank you! That means so much!" She cheers. "I have a plan. It's risky, but it's the best one we got."
"Ok then. Let's hear it."
"I feel it would be better if I told you in person. I know a safe place at the base of Mt. Kilionea to the southeast. There's a cave on the southwest side next to the Forest of Shadows. Meet me there and we'll discuss the plan together in person."
   "Sounds good, Munna. Be safe."
   "I will. May Arceus watch over you."


   The morning sun rises. I wake up, recalling the dream. I guess my true nature as a human is going to go public.
   "Thunder. Wake up. It's important." I gently shake my friend awake. He yawns and slowly gets up, turning towards me.
   "Important? What do you mean?"
   "I've learned why I was sent here. Gather the team. Tell them I have an important announcement in Paradise Center. We are in the middle of something big."

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