The Decision

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   As the sun rises on another morning, Thunder and I gather up the team to make the decision of who will stay behind. We all gather at Paradise Center, the atmosphere tense with dread and anticipation.
   "I don't get why we're doing this." An annoyed Virizion says to us. "I already said. I'll stay behind."
   "New information has come to light. Information regarding your past." I answer. There was no use hiding it. She'd find out eventually that they told us.
   "My past? What are you..." Then it hits her. "They didn't."
   "They did."
   "Son of a Ditto! I TOLD them! I was absolutely clear to them not to tell anyone! Is it any wonder I can't trust anyone?! First Keldeo, now them!"
   "Relax, Virizion." Thunder says, calmly. "They're worried about you. They told us because they care."
   "Absolutely." I add. "You still care for him. You want to know if he made it. I understand. That's why they feel you should come. To lay this troubled matter to rest. And I promise, only New Hope will know about this."
   "Forgive me if I feel your words are hollow." She responded curtly, sounding more like when we first met her.
   "I will keep that promise." Emolga interjects. "You have my word. And if I go against my word, feel free to beat me to a pulp." This comes as a shock to everyone. I can't believe it. Emolga is actually warming up to her.
   "...why should I trust you of all people? You were the one mocking me about my supposed intimacy with him." Virizion, however, seems to have reverted back to square one with her attitude. Man, this went downhill in a hurry.
   "...I'm... Sor... So..." Emolga tries to say something, but can't seem to get it out. "...I'm sorry, alright?! I shouldn't have done that! It was wrong!" He lets out a deep breath. "There. I said it. Now. Can we just get on with this?"
   Virizion looks at him, trying to hide a look of surprise. Unlike the rest of us who openly show it. "I accept your apology. And you're right. We should move on." And with that, it was over.
   "Ok. Good. So. I couldn't get the straws we originally looked for. So I got some sticks and made a red mark on one of them. We all take a stick. The one who get she marked stick stays behind."
"Sounds straight forward." I take a deep breath. "Is everyone ready?"
"No, but let's do it." Thunder replies. With that, we all gather around, close our eyes and grab a stick. I feel my heart pound with anxiety. Will it be me? Will I be left behind? No... I need to calm myself. At least... If it is me I'll be able to devote more time to figuring out who's trying to contact me. Slowly, I open my eyes. No red mark. Just a plain stick. I breathe a sigh of relief. My next instinct is to check Thunder. Judging by his relived look he didn't pick the marked stick either. Good. It'll be significantly more fun with him at my side. I look at they others to see what they got. As it turns out the marked stick was picked by... Dunsparce.
"Oh no... Dunsparce... I... I'm so sorry..." Emolga says sincerely.
"...Probably for the best, anyway. I'm the weakest of our team. I'd just drag everyone down..." Oh... That's just depressing...
"No! Dunsparce-"
"Emolga... Just... I need some time to myself. I'll... See you when you guys leave..." With that... He slowly bounces away.
After a period of silence, Thunder speaks up. "We can't let this drag us down. Yes, Dunsparce is staying behind. But if we let our guilt haunt us during the trip, his sacrifice was for nothing. So let's stay positive. For his sake." He's right. I mean, we can't let this ruin the biggest trip of our lives, can we?
   "You're right Thunder." I say aloud. "Besides. If we ever decide to go again, Dunsparce can come with us."
   "I never thought about that." Emolga says. "Thanks you two. I appreciate the positivity."
   "Anyways, Umbreon and Espeon say that we should be ready to go by tomorrow. So, let's all be sure to get a good night's rest. We're gonna need it."


   The next morning we all gather at the hill in Post Town, excited for our big adventure.
   "Ooohhhh... I'm so hyper!" Thunder exclaims. "I've never felt this energetic in my life!"
   "Me too, Thunder." I respond. "Umbreon, Espeon, it's time. Set the coordiantes." The duo nods, placing the cards in specific orientations, turning the sun and moon motifs on the cards. Apparently they can rotate. I never knew that.
   "Care to do the honors, Thunder?" Umbreon asks.
   "Of course I would!"  Excitedly, he pushes down on the center. A click is heard. And then, it starts. The gate looks much more complex this time. Three rings instead of one. And the center has several curved pieces circling above the center point. It's so mystical. I like it.
   "Alright everyone. Get inside." We step into the center, waiting for the gate to close. Slowly the rings start fading, one by one. This is it! We're actually going!
   "Dunsparce?" Emolga calls out. "Come here for a moment. I want to tell you something before we go."
   "A-alright." Dunsparce bounds over to Emolga.
   "Make it quick!" Umbreon says. "The Magnagate won't stay open for much longer!"
Emolga whispers something in Dunsparce's ear. Too quietly for us to hear. Dunsparce gives a look of confusion to Emolga.
   "Huh? What do you-" suddenly, Emolga shoves Dunsparce into the Magnagate and jumps out himself. Wait... Did he just swap with Dunsparce?! He just gave up his place for him!
   "What the! Emolga!? What are you-" are the last things said by Dunsparce before the gate closes. Leaving Emolga behind.

   "Enjoy yourself, buddy." He says to the intricate pattern on the ground where they once stood. "You need this far more than I do..."

Pokèmar Episode I: The Gates to InfinityWhere stories live. Discover now