My Work Area

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A few people have asked how I draw so I took a picture of my usual work area.

I sit on my couch with my cow tray. Using my laptop I find what I want to draw via Google images. I'll download the picture and look at it in my pictures so I can zoom into areas more.

I use 135gsm paper. Dunno if that's good or not but I like it. I get the sketchbook for a pound out of your typical bargain shop. It's 30 pages so it lasts a while.

I use papermate mechanical pencils. Easy to erase and work just fine. The lead hardly ever snaps which is nice. I'll do my drawing in pencil and go over it in fineliner. I've got stabilo ones, asda ones, berol papermate ones and another set I dunno where I got them or what brand they are.

After that I'll use my variety of colouring pencils to colour in. I've got a shoebox I keep them all in by they're separated with the empty toilet roll things. It sounds a bit odd but it's really helpful when separating colours and shades.

Once I'm done, I'll turn on the LED light that's attached to the cow tray. This helps me take a better picture.

And there you have it. Nothing special or overcomplicated. Just your everyday stuff.

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