First Meeting

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"Ji eun, can you promise me something?" Luhan asked.
"Promise me that you will love me till the end" he added.
"I promise" she smiled, with touch of fear on her voice. Luhan softened and he reached to caress her cheek. He hates himself for he can't do anything for the one he loves.

"Park Hee Rin!! Where are you now?" her mom asked from the phone. It was already 9 in the evening and Hee Rin was already late for their dinner meeting. She's been hanging around and was shopping all afternoon that she lost track of time.
"I'm on my way mom"
She quickly get out of her car and ran to this luxurious restaurant.. She could already hear her stomach growling and she had to giggle out of embarrassment.
She looks around, her hair was swaying gracefully. Eyes squinting, she tries to find the person that is probably fuming right now.
And oh! There's her mother with her dad, sitting across three people and Hee Rin wonders if they were her soon to be in laws. She looks at the mirror from her kit and fixes her hair and do some retouch before she approached them.

"Sorry I'm late" she greeted, not sounding guilty and quickly sat beside her mother, fanning herself.
"Hee Rin, greet your soon to be in-laws!!" her mother whispered through gritted teeth. She pouted slightly and smiled sheepishly as she glances at the person sitting across her. She hesitantly sits up and flashed her bright smile at them, making them smile back at her.
"Hello, I'm Hee Rin.. Nice to meet you" she bowed with grace, although she kind of really feel awkward.
She glanced again at the person across from her and takes note that he's attractive- has brown hair that is almost golden, he was too busy playing with his phone that Hee Rin thought he kinda lacked of respect, he should've greet her back with a smile or something.
"Is he the one?" Hee Rin asked calmly, batting her lashes in the process. Her mother gave her a wide grin while the two people across them nodded at her proudly. *He's handsome* she thought and clears her throat.
"Yes dear, he's Luhan, your fiance" Mrs. Lu introduced. Hee Rin hid her wide smile while thinking how lucky she is to have such handsome fiance.
She tried not to squeal and just nod at them in acceptance, acting as if it's no big deal. She actually didn't reject nor protest about this marriage at all. It's not that she likes it, but she's probably careless of what future awaits her. And besides, she thinks she likes this so called "Luhan" I mean, he's handsome and a well behaved person, and also rich. They match really well..
He's perfect for her..
That's what she thought...

Hee Rin stared at Luhan for quite a long time that she doesn't even care if he feels uneasy by her intense stare. It's not like she could care less. He's just too handsome for her.
Luhan would look up once in a while and would caught her staring at him, he wonder if she noticed that he's not feeling good about her looking at him like that. It was freaking creepy! And whenever their eyes meet, Hee Rin's eyes would sparkle and she would thought *OMG!! I super like him!*
After chatting and eating, Mrs. Lu suggested that Hee Rin and Luhan should go out for a walk, for them to get to know each other. Of course Hee Rin didn't hesitate.
She quickly clung to his arms while they're walking. She talked a lot while he was just silent and didn't even look at her, not even once. Is he not interested? Probably...
"Can you believe it? Our wedding is in two weeks!" Hee Rin exclaimed. As if that was the most incredible thing she has said. Luhan gulps and puts his hands inside his pockets, clenching his fist.
"Mmm" he responds.
"I want a really big and luxurious house you know"
"And a big closet, cause I really love clothes" she claps her hands, imagining herself running towards a big dressing room and jumping on a mountain of fabulous dresses.
"Mmm" he hums once more and Hee Rin thinks it's kind of annoying to only hear 'Mmm' for an answer.
"I want a gorgeous wedding dress and I want to put some diamonds on it to make it more fabulous and I wan--"
Luhan sighed heavily and stopped from walking. Breathing in deeply, he closed his eyes for a second or two and finally met Hee Rin's eyes with fury. "Look, I don't care about your stupid wedding dress. Actually I don't care about our wedding at all. It's rubbish" he blurted too coldly.
He glared at her before walking away.
Hee Rin blinked and puts her hand on her chest, feeling her heart beating fast out of nervousness. Did he just shout at her? She bites her lower lip and glared at Luhan's back. Crossing her arms with confidence, she smirked and shouted at him before he could completely disappear.
"I love you!!!" Hee Rin shouted that makes Luhan freeze on the spot. He was appalled. Did she just? Oh no. This girl!
Luhan robotically spin around with his eyes widened eyes. "W-WHAT?!!!" He screeched.
"You heard it, I said I love you" she said as if nothing was wrong about it.
"Are you crazy?!! We just met and now you love me?!!"
"Yes" she nods with determination. Although she doubted her answer in the back of her mind, but she can't possibly take her words back, right? That's just not her.
In that, Luhan ruffles his hair out of frustration and looked at the girl who just confessed to him before he walks away leaving Hee Rin, dumbfounded.
She breathes out, calming herself. "He's so cool ruffling his hair like that, I think I really like him" she grins.

Luhan drove to the hangout place where he and his friends usually chill out. It was a private bar that is strictly for the 12 of them only.
His mind was flooded with his soon to be wife and he can't help but to feel really frustrated. He always thought that he can talk normally to her and ask her about planning to fake the marriage since he thought that this girl probably doesn't want to get marry with some stranger like him. But he was wrong, totally wrong. This girl is unbelievable. *She's crazy!* he angrily thought.
Luhan has a girlfriend and he loves her so much. Her name is Ji Eun and she is everything to him. You must be wondering why he agreed to accept the offer of marriage when he actually has someone he loves.
Because he knew that if he won't agree with this, his parents would probably do something bad to Ji Eun and he doesn't want that to happen. He will protect her no matter what.
Ji Eun is actually a daughter of a rich man also. But she's not as rich as Hee Rin so she wasn't the one who's been chosen to marry Luhan and his company. It was obviously hard for both of this couple and you can imagine how their heart shattered when the marriage announcement has been aired on the news. They couldn't do anything.

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