Chapter I

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Ryan and Alicia stared at their new, big, home. "Pretty! I likey!" Alicia, the seven year old girl squeaked. Ryan sighed, blowing his dirty blonde bangs out of his pale face. "Oh honey isn't it wonderful?" a woman in her late 30s sighed deeply. A man about the same age as her nodded. "It's perfect"

Ryan glanced at his parents and then at the house. He stepped in, the wooden floor creaking under his feet. "It smells funny here..." he commented looking around. Alicia hopped in "Preeettyyyy!" she squeaked and ran upstairs. "Where's my room?!" Ryan heard her scream. He sighed and noticed the basement door. He muttered and walked to it. The dirty blonde opened the door, squinting his eyes; it was pitch dark. "Darn" he whispered as he walked down the stairs and looked for a light switch. As he felt a cord he pulled it and the lights turn on. "WHAT THE HELL?!" he screamed as he saw the basement was filled with porcelain dolls

"Ohmy-"he looked around and saw a life size doll, she was sitting in a corner. The doll was pale white, she wasn't smiling, her lips where partly opened, and she had big, dark, blue eyes. She had hair as dark as midnight, tied into a well-made bun. A big pink bow was decorating the bun

She wore a pinkish dolly sailor dress. The doll was beautiful...

And her chest was slightly moving... up and down...

She was breathing?

"OH JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THIS IS HELL SATAN DON'T TAKE ME AWAY OH SHIT!!!!" Ryan screamed in fear and ran up the stairs tripping. He slammed the basement door with his back. "Ryan-boo? What happened?" Alicia asked walking down the stairs. Ryan had a pale face, as if he had just seen a ghost. "N-nothing Alicia" he said panting. "Huh? Where does that lil door lead too?" she asked, hopping to the door. "... NO! Don't! There's a monster there! It tried to eat me!" he lied stuttering. "But I'm not scared of monsters! You know I defeated the potty monster!" she yelled pouting. "Yeah but the potty monster.. you see.. it was small and weak and pathetic, the monster down there is pure evil!" Ryan shooed Alicia away. "So don't go down there! Yep. Heheh." He nervously rambled on. Alicia pouted again "I'M NOT A LITTLE KID! I WANNA GO AND DEAFEAT THE MONSTER!" she yelled. "ALICIA I SAID NO, END OF STORY." Ryan scolded his sister. Alicia stomped the floor. "Fine!" she said.


At late midnight, Ryan was laying down in his big, comfy bed. He looked around his room. Big boxes surrounded him. He was still not done unpacking. "Why is it so hard to go to sleep...?" he mumbled and turned to his right side. Then to his left, to his right, upside down, across the bed, feet on pillow, dangling from bed, on his stomach, on his back, curled up, on the floor, on the chair, on the boxes, on the rug, in the closet... but he couldn't sleep. "Ugh" he muttered.

A few moments later, the dirty blonde heard his sister. "DOLLIES!!!"

Ryan's eyes widened. He started sweating "NO" he screamed and flied from his bed to the floor, his dirty blonde hair getting messy. He slammed open the door and ran down the stairs, his feet sliding off of the last step. Ryan saw the basement door open. He ran down the stairs sliding and saw his sister hugging a doll. The one that was breathing earlier. "ALICIA GET AWAY FROM THAT DOLL RIGHT NOW!" he screamed. "Why?! She's ADOOORABLE" Alicia slurred. "Please just get away!" he yelled.

Alicia's eyes teared up. "Why?" Ryan was about to answer as she looked under the doll's shoe. "Oooh! Her name is B.B.D! It stands for BaByDoll! Cute!" Ryan shivered.

Suddenly their parents came down the stairs "What is going on?! Why is this basement full of dolls?!" they yelled in fear. "I don't know! But Alicia likes this doll!" Ryan yelled. "Alicia! Get away from her RIGHT NOW." Their dad said grabbing Alicia from the wrist and pulling her away. She cried as she yelled that she wanted to stay with BaByDoll. "Ryan let's go" their mother said, sleepily, as she went up the stairs with her husband and Alicia. Ryan sighed and glanced at the doll, he bent down in front of her. Her eyes looked broken inside, as if she had emotions. Ryan subconsciously raised his hand and laid it on her cheek. He caressed it, feeling sort of weird.

BabyDoll's breathing began shaky as he caressed her cheek, like if she was embarrassed or nervous. Ryan softly pulled his hand back and smiled at her and went upstairs.



"Ugh go away you little brat... go and bother someone else..."


"I don't give a damn..."


Ryan sat on his bed. "Ughhhhhhhh" he moaned. Alicia jumped, already in her school uniform. "Come on! Dress up and let's goooo!" she shouted and zoomed like an airplane and ran downstairs. "God gag me" he muttered and closed the door. He stripped out of his shirt and stared at himself in the mirror. Ryan sighed and stripped out the rest of his clothes and wore his school uniform. "Oh well" he murmured and went out his room. Ryan passed through a hallway and saw a slightly open door with a dim light pouring from the small windows in the room.

He walked to it and opened the door. "Huh?". There was a drawer, and as he opened it, there were files. And documents, and more files. "What the...?" the blonde asked himself as he saw a peculiar black folder. He grabbed it and opened it, reading the file.

'  Target:

                 Elena Jasper

                 Age: 16

                 Skin color: White

                 Hair: Brown

                 Hair length: Short, curled

                 Height: 5'03

                 Weight: 99 pounds  --

Ryan was shocked as he kept reading and saw the last part.

' --            Captured: [ X ]

                  Killed: [ X ]

                  Transformed: [ X ]

                  Stored: [ X ]  '

He saw the picture of Elena Jasper. She looked ridiculously alike to the doll. Except for her beautiful hair. 'What? What does Transformed mean?! Is Elena Jasper dead? What does stored mean?! She's somewhere in this house?' as the questions flew in his head, he heard his mother.



Ryan rushed downstairs as he kept thinking who was Elena Jasper and what happened to her.

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