Chapter 1

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(Y/n's pov)(btw you are now 19)

*Buzz*Buzz*Buzz* I slapped my alarm clock and realized that I had to go to Adam's and Alesa's. " Okay, time to go see my big bro!!" I said excitedly.

~magical time skip to when you get to Adam's house (you live about 10 minutes away)~

*knock*knock* The door swung open and Adam bursted out giving me the world biggest hug ever. "(Y/n) I've missed you!!!" he yelled. "Dude I saw you like last week!" I said playfully. "So what did you want from me bro?" I asked when he put me down from his hug. "Okay... I know you are gonna say no, again, but can you please come work at the offices with me, please?!?! PLUS YOU WILL GET TO CATCH UP WITH MAX!!" he begged. "Ugh... Fiiinnnee..." I gave in because truth be told I really did miss Max. "Yay!!!" Adam cheered. So I walked inside and talked with Alesa for a while and held baby Mason. After catching up, Adam wanted me to come bring him lunch so I did.

(Ross's pov)

I get working as soon as I get to the offices today because for some odd reason I was all energetic this morning. After everyone was at work Adam called us all to the couch. "GUYS I HAVE GREAT NEWS!!!!" screamed Adam. "What is it?" Max asked angrily because of Adam disturbing his work. "Yeahs what is its yous wants, dirts?" Barney asked. "Max you remember (Y/n) right?" Adam said gleefully. "Yeah she is you little sister, what about her?" Max asked. " COMES ON ADAMS I HAVE WORKS TO DOS!!!" Barney raged. "Barney calm down, jeez!" I said. "SHE FINALLY AGREED TO WORK HERE!!!" he yelled. I saw Max's jaw drop. "Well I am going back to work..." Barney trailed off. Soon everyone was back to work except Max. I didn't know what was wrong with him so I decided to text Adam.


R- hey Adam what is wrong with Max??

A- oh idk he might just be excited to see(Y/n), all I know is that they were best friends. It was always the 3 of us. Maybe he is just that excited...

R- oh okay... So when do we meet (Y/n)?

A- Soon she is coming with my lunch so you can meet her then.

R- okay then bye.

A- bye.

(End of text)(Still Ross's pov)

"Hmmm.... I wonder what Max is thinking?" I thought out loud and resumed my work.

(Max's pov)

(Y/n).... I have missed her since we graduated.... I-i can't believe she is gonna work here. I'll have my best friend back. (That is all he felt towards her, JUST FRIENDS) After breaking out of my thoughts I yelled "YES!!" and scared everyone, then I ran to my room...

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