Chapter One

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After two and a half years at university the only thing that still sometimes shocked Jamie was the level of openness. She'd found that discrimination had all but disappeared (excluding some particular... groups) and she'd been able to openly express her sexuality almost from the first day, much unlike her secondary school. One of her most prominent memories from that time was the homophobia that she'd faced with her girlfriend, a lot of the time from kids who were just too afraid to come out themselves.

Jamie leaned back in her chair, abandoning the chemistry essay in front of her and roughly pulling her hands through her hair. She swore she was over it. After all, it wasn't really anyone's fault that things had gone the way they had. The constant bullying at school just took its toll on both of them, and after Jamie's mother had remarried she couldn't let Dana stay anymore so she'd been forced to go back to her parents' place which made everything so much harder. Then university time rolled around and they applied to different places so it just didn't make sense to carry on anymore; at this point neither of them were happy and arguments were happening more often than regular conversations. It was no one's fault. They would have been able to break things off amicably if it weren't for Sarina getting involved again. Jamie didn't know what the circumstances of the kiss were – whether it was one off or it'd been going on for a while – but she did know that she couldn't forgive her girlfriend for being with anyone else while they were together, no matter what condition the relationship was in.

Wanting a break from the work and something to distract her wondering mind Jamie decided to go for a walk, grabbing her jacket and wallet on the way out. It was as she was leaving the sandwich shop on campus that she saw a flash of familiar red hair and had to blink a few times to check that she wasn't hallucinating. The last time she'd seen hair like that had been when she'd said goodbye to Dana, running a hand through the other girls locks for the last time.

When the figure didn't disappear she knew it wasn't a hallucination, but that it was a very real, very attractive Dana walking towards her. Her first instinct was to turn and walk away, but the slim redhead had already seen her and was waving as she approached, leaving only enough time to check her out before she reached Jamie. In short, she looked good. Her features had matured a lot since Jamie had last seen her and the sway in her hips spoke of confidence. Her red hair fell almost to her waist in loose curls under a floppy sunhat. Big sunglasses covered the top half of her face but her curves were plain to see under the light sundress that she wore, swishing around her as she walked. Jamie's eyes dropped even lower to follow the lines of her legs back up to her hips, noting that she'd grown slightly taller, her slim legs seeming to go on forever. She tried to shake the memory of those thighs wrapped around her head as Dana stopped in front of her, pulling her sunglasses off of her face and grinning broadly.

"Jamie, hey! Long-time no see! How are you?" It took a moment for Jamie to realise she'd spoken, shocked by looking into eyes she'd known better than any other for a good portion of her life, but hadn't seen in years. She swore she was over it, but she couldn't help the fluttering in her stomach or the distinct urge to run away before she did something embarrassing.

"Uh, hi." She smiled weakly, glancing down to pink lips out of habit, and looking away into the distance just as quickly. "So what brings you here?" Not only did she really want to know, she also wanted to avoid answering Dana's question at that moment because in all honesty, she didn't know.

"Oh! I got to transfer for the last part of my course so I figured I'd come here since the labs are so advanced. It'll give me the best opportunities for my research project." Jamie nodded along in agreement, listening to Dana's plans for her dissertation but not offering anything in terms of conversation until Dana asked for her number so they could meet for coffee and 'catch up' later. She didn't know why, but she agreed, pressing her number into Dana's phone with shaky fingers after accidentally brushing hands with her. Then they said their goodbyes and went their separates ways with promises of we'll talk later.

It wasn't until Jamie had thrown herself down on her bed, her hunger forgotten, that she fully realised what had just happened. After all this time she had seen her ex-girlfriend again, the person she'd thought she'd spend the rest of her life with, and the person in question had acted like nothing was out of the ordinary. She checked her phone to find a message from Dana making sure that Jamie had her number too, but closed the message without replying, instead looking for someone else in her contact list. She needed to take her mind off of the woman she used to love and stop the trembling in her hands – or maybe give them a different reason to tremble. She debated texting in the teasing manner they usually used, but couldn't find it in herself to care that much. Instead she tried for something more direct.

Get over here and fuck me.

She didn't have to wait long for a reply.

On my way.


Dana let her shoulders slump, suddenly tired, and turned back to look at the spot where Jamie had just been stood. She'd looked well, tanned skin exposed in denim shorts but arms hidden by the sleeves of her leather jacket. Her hair was much shorter than the last time they'd met, cut to just above her shoulders, but the face framed by the strands hadn't changed much. Her features were still soft, her lips still full, and her eyes still easy to read. It had always been a fairly simple matter for Dana to tell what Jamie was thinking just by looking closely enough at her eyes. She was pleased to see that hadn't changed – she'd seen the shock in her eyes even while her face had remained composed, and seen her gaze soften for a moment before steeling over in hurt. That had been hard to watch, knowing that it had been her fault that Jamie felt that way, at least partially. She should have explained better back then... Shaking her head to dispel the thoughts Dana turned away and began to walk, pulling out her phone to text the one person she'd been really thinking about these past two years.


Confess Again (GirlxGirl) - A lesbian love storyWhere stories live. Discover now