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Have you ever felt as if you were cold for no reason? Not like you're sick, but like a unnatural coldness. Random shivers and quivers, the hair on your arms raising without any chill weather, and sudden bursts of coldness? Have you ever felt uncomfortable? Not as if you are in a awkward situation (which since the party everyone has been acting different, especially Zach, who has been worrying himself sick over me. Asking over and over again if I was alright, and if I needed anything. Everyone who went to the party has been acting different, especially the ones in the same room as the Ouija board; which is still under my bed where I left it.) But as if someone is watching your every move? As if everywhere you go something is peering deep into your soul?

That's how I have been feeling since Adam showed up. I don't know how it works, I mean I did summon him. I did claim him, so does that mean that he has to follow me wherever I go? I haven't asked him, only because whenever he's around I get a very nervous feeling that makes me shut down any confidence I had before I met him. But I wonder.

Adam and I have been talking every night since our first encounter. During the day he disappears, but at night I'll feel a breeze flow through my room and then I'm getting nudged to scoot over so he can lay beside me. We talk about normal things, things people who are not in our situation would. He asked me about my life, and learning that I'm a preacher's daughter he laughed at how devious I am for someone who's father teaches others about the lord. He wanted to know about my hobbies, which the only ones I had was writing and drawing, he asked about pets I had (I had a turtle a few years ago but he died due to my caring skills so I vowed to never have another pet ever again ,which made him laugh hysterically.) He asks so many questions that I feel like I'm being interrogated. He listened to me like all of the things I say were needed information. There were times during the night that he'd stay close to me, running his finger down the side of my face, playing with my fingers. But other times he moved away and left a gap between us as if being too close is illegal.

Its confusing when he does that.

The bell rung out without warning, and I slowly got up and gathered my things. I looked around quickly, hoping to avoid Zach, when I felt a rush of cold air behind me again. I stopped and turned around to see nothing behind me. I quickly darted out of the room and sped walked all the way home.

Being home alone never really bothered me, or at least it didn't before. Now its like I'm waiting for some monster to peak out around the corners or for a axe murderer to come kill me while I watch TV. Everything feels abnormally silent, like the moment where the scary music pauses in a horror movie before the character turns and sees the awful being chasing them down. I gathered myself in the kitchen, where there was no hiding places for whatever I was running from.

It makes me wonder what Adam is doing right now. Could I just call upon him again? Does it work the same? I sat myself on the counter and closed my eyes.

"Adam?" I called out.

There was a moment of silence until I felt a cold jolt of air rush around me. The cold air surrounded me, freezing me in my place. "Yes?" He asked right next to my ear. My eyes darted open to follow the sound. Right beside me was a angel-faced boy leaning against the counter facing me with a grin. "H-how do you do that?" I asked.

"Do what?"

"Just show up like that. I mean, we have a door." He laughed and stood up, putting himself in front of me. "It's just a power we have. So we don't have to take the chance of being caught by humans-" he paused, a devious smile on his face,"It's also for chasing our prey, or what we want." I looked down and blushed. This is why I can never ask him things about himself,how am I suppose to try to have a conversation with him when he makes me this tongue tied and nervous? I breathed out slowly, trying to keep the blushing and my fastly beating heart beat down. Adam told me that he can tell when I am nervous. He can feel the tension and hear my heart beat growing faster.

"Stop that," I murmured, not even realizing I said it until I saw him react. He looked at me with a confused expression. His bottom lip puckered out slightly as he tilted his head to the side. "What did I do?" He asked. I started blushing again. "O-oh, nothing. Forget I said anything." I was looking down again. My eyes looked at his shoulder. His shirt today was a simple black Hanes men's t-shirt. Its neck made a V shape to his chest, outlining his arms and stomach. He looked great, there was no denying that.

Ugh Delilah shut up.

"No, what did I do?" He asked again. His voice sounded worried. My eyes immediately darted back to his when I heard the alarm in his voice. I sat there shaking my head. "You did nothing.. It was nothing. I don't even know why I said it."

"And I believe that as much as I believe a con artist. " he chuckled. "Now tell me, I don't want to do anything to upset you or make you angry with me."

He came closer to me, his hands resting on the marble counter on both sides of me. "Please?" He asked. "But I'm not angry with you.." I mumbled. I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment. Why couldn't I keep my mouth shut? Why did I even say that?

I looked into his eyes and remembered in a instant. When he looks at me I can barely think straight. When he is around, I always have this nervous feeling. My stomach tightens in knots, and I have to fight every urge known to man-and demon- to not just reach out and have some form of physical contact. I have never tried, but it just seems forbidden. I am suppose to be good. Do nothing to taunt him in anyway. So this self imprisonment is what I do to not make this hard on him.

"Its...just..."I heard the front door open, and then he was gone. I sighed in relief. I knew he was going to press the matter later, but so much Adam at once is too much to handle. Now I can figure out a excuse. "Delilah?" I heard my father call out. "In the kitchen, Dad." I replied. I hopped off the counter and started towards the cabinet to get myself a drink. I heard heavy footsteps walk through the living room into the kitchen. "Oh there you are, I was making sure you were coming to youth today. The little ones have been asking where you have been." I poured my drink and reluctantly turned around. My dad is pretty tall, almost six foot, but I'm much smaller then him (only five-two.) His hair is a sandy blonde that was thinning out at the top.

"I forgot it was Wednesday actually. " I admitted. He looked at me in disapproval. "Go get your shoes on. You know how I feel about you not going to church." I nodded. "Yes,sir." I mumbled.

I trudged into my room and fount my boots and slid them on. It makes me so sad when he looks at me like that. I get that look quite a bit now...I felt a tear slide escape my eye, and something cold was immediately there to catch it. The coolness lingered where the tear once was, them it was gone in a instant. I breathed out shakily. I wiped out my eyes and walked out the door.

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