Chapter Two, Easter Morning

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  • Dedicated to Laura

(Hi guys, sry chapter one was short hope u guys still liked it)

It is Easter Morning OMG! I cant belive today is finally Easter but not just Easter the day I also get to see friends i have been waiting a while to see! I am so nervouse and yet so happy.

As soon as i get up i grab my phone and kik Laura. Laura and I talk for a while but then she has to go to church. Your probably wondering what we were talking about right? Well to be honest we were talking about me and Luke. I was saying how i am so excited to see him again and that i really hope after we get to know each other again something "nice" could maybe come from all this. Now i know we r only 12 so i dont mean anything like that. I mean a nice little relationship that he would treat me right and take me to my schools dances. The mean boys that hate me could see that wow yes Amanda has boys that will talk to her and that will dance with her. O how that would be wonderful.

Anyway when Laura came back to church she kiked me and right away we started talking abaout Luke and I. In my head even though I have not seen him for ever he is perfect.

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