Ch 21: Because Your Face Bothers Me.

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A/N WARNING! the following chapter is a hazard to hormones and a cuteness moment and then...a little bit of crazy. read with caution

this author wished Wattpad had colored text options so that could have been in red.

and no its not that bad lol.

oh and its a longer chapter not by much but still!


Vega POV:

I moaned lewdly as Wulfs lips captured my nípple none too gently, my body trying to decide if it wanted to focus on the pleasure in my sex or my breasts.

He knows what he's doing, I'll give him that.

Although he still has zero tact.

Who drags a woman up to their bedroom after just dropping off a freshly abandoned child in their entryway in order to strip her of her workout clothes and do her on his bedroom floor.

He didn't even let me shower.

hell he didn't even let me close the door fully before he was on me, the horny son of a bitch.

Say's the girl who's currently wrapped around him like an octopus. is day four out of seven...I mean its great sex but it has an expiration date so I'm not terrible am I?

Suddenly his lips left me and he stopped the rhythmic movements of his hips.

He shouldn't be stopping.

I blinked at him.

He did not look happy. "you know Hawaii, I like fucking you because you are a very active lover, hell you dig those nails of yours into my ass sometimes when you get to excited. But today, right now, you are not my fun little feline. Your pùssy still drips for me, you're still vocal in your pleasure but you pretty much dead otherwise. And while I have a few fetish's sex with a corpse isn't one of them."

I bit my lip, "Sorry?"

His eyes narrowed, "shit, you're bored of this huh?"

no. no where near it but he didn't have to know that, "if I said I was?"

"I would see if you were willing to try something...different."

"I'm having a full conversation with you while your penis is embedded in my vagina."

He gave me an equally blank look, "My penis likes your vagina, sort of like a second home."

"what do you define as different."

"Well its nothing too out there, I'm smarter than to spring something crazy on you."

Oh maybe he has some tact and respect after all.

"So lets make a porno."


"Lets. videotape. our. fucking." He licked his lips, "its sort of like being watched without the danger of a share request. Think of it as a memento from our time together I'll make you a copy and you can use that pathetic excuse for a rubbed cock i bet you keep in your drawer while you watch it after our deal is over. Maybe we can watch it together before we split too."

"I like what we do now. no sex tape."

"Well now we seem to be at an impasse because I want to make a sex tape and put it on every device I own. doesn't it sound like fun. you can see our little affair from a whole new angle."

Well..that did sound interesting to say the least.

"You're vagina likes the idea."

I glared, "shut up."

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