Ch 66:Nympho

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Vega POV:

"are you sure your okay to be back at school Wulf?"

the Blonde looked over at me lazily. "You are at school."

"yeah. I don't have a hole in my chest."

"true. but how else am I going to embarrass you and grope your ass all day long?"

I rolled my eyes at him, getting out of his car, "you're lucky I love you."

He practically purred, "now lets get you naked and-"

"Wulf. just give me your keys so I can drive us to school."

He sighed heavily and caged me against the wall outside the coffee shop, "look baby.."

dear lord, he was going to give me some sort of demented Wulf he man speech.

"...there are only two things in the word I love, you and my baby."

"I thought symphony was your baby."

He paused, "you remembered the name of my favorite car?"

"mmhmm. and the way the leather felt against my bare skin."

He leaned in closer, pressing my hips against the wall, "you are so damn sexy."

I laughed a little, "sexy enough to let me drive?"

"no, this is symphonies nicer not as pretty sister melody. but thats okay because daddy loves them both equally. Melody wont get him arrested during the day."

...okay ew. but whatever, "If you let me drive we can do it in that backseat too."

"well...last time you punctured my back seat and I had to get it no."

I shot him an unamused look. "you try having something that size unceremoniously shoved inside you."

"No thanks...I would rather be doing the shoving."


"I drive now, you get a back rub later."

"or, i drive now, you give me a back rub later, and you take me to a movie."

"how about no, yes, and I'll probably just put my hand up your skirt the moment it gets dark."

I giggled a bit as his fingers toyed with the hem of my admittedly short skirt, "you know Wulfie, sometimes you give the impression that your a nymphomaniac."

His fingers froze, "ah right. forgot about that...supposed to treat that with antipsychotics." he looked up biting his lip, "but they make everything blurry and so boring." He perked up again, "but now I have you to appease my kinks."

"...seriously...your on mental medication?"

"no. went off them like last year, kept a bunch of sluts around to keep myself happy..then I met you."

"So I'm like a mega slut?"

He laughed a bit, "no. your just arousing in more than one way and have amazing stamina, who needs antipsychotics when you have someone like you.."

"you Wulf. You need Antipsychotics for more than one reason."

He frowned at me, "you are also the only woman on the planet earth who can Turn off a nympho."

I glared at him.

"hm. back on again. cool."

I whapped his chest. "just go get in the car and drive. or we are going to be late."


"....why is everyone staring at us?"

"its the skirt and my amazing good looks."

I glared up at Wulf as we walked, his arm slung around my shoulder and mine around his waist. "it was a rhetorical question. but seriously the staring is annoying."

He hummed pausing in front of his locker in the crowded hallways, "...ah I know, this should help."

Suddenly his body pressed mine against and his tongue invaded my mouth.

It was like everything froze and then my fingers knotted in his hair as hands traced my curves.

The sound of startled reactions fell upon death ears as he kissed me senseless, pulling away only to let me catch my breath, "that didn't help Wulf..."

He nipped my bottom lip playfully, "I dunno you seemed less stressed out..that was my goal what was yours?"

"To get people to stop staring."

"Hm. Didnt work. You wanna go do it in an empty classroom?"

I shot him my best 'fuck no' look, "go back on your meds."

"No. Its not like its hurting anyone."

"My vagina."

And a majority of the people his psychotic ass killed

The world would be a safer place with a medicated Beowulf Night. He would be safer from himself.

"Okay. Thats a lie your vagina loves me. Whats up babe?"

I sighed, searching his deep green eyes for something, anything to tell me how to continue this conversation.

I got nothing. None of his paranoia or suspicion, just pure curiosity.

It doesn't even cross his mind that you would seriously ask him to go back on his meds.

It broke my heart a little, I know if it was anyone else, anyone at all. He would immediately get suspicious, creepy, and mildly murderous.

But he just smiles at me.

I cupped his cheek and kissed him lightly, "lets talk later okay?"

His head cocked to the side. "Whats wrong with now."

God he was so cute when he was like this...its not even fair. "Its a private thing..i don't feel like being listened to by the entire hallway."

the corner of his lip quirked up as he pulled me away from the locker, "fair enough."

...I should have just let it go and brushed it off as nothing.

Im an idiot.

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