chapter 1

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Twins POV

Rose This is pretty important, Bella. Why don't you tell Jacob what you've decided?
Jake What now?
Edward Rose is trying to talk Bella out of her baby names. She hates them.
Jake Well, then l'm on your side no matter what you picked. Bella They're not that bad. lf it's a boy, EJ. Edward Jacob.
Rose Okay, fine, that one's not awful. Why don't you tell him the girl's name?
Bella l was playing around with our moms' names. Renée and Esme. And l was thinking... Renesmee.

I heard daddy chuckle. I felt kinda sad that they only knew about my sister ,but I couldn't blame them its not their fault.

Bella Too weird?
Edward No, that's not too weird. lt's beautiful. And it's unique, which certainly fits the situation.
Few minutes passed ,and I felt mommy getting up ,but then her spine broke ,and we heard her screaming then everyone else rushing to her.

Edward Rosalie, pass the morphine.
Rose Carlisle said the placenta must have detached. Carlisle is coming as fast as he can, but...
Edward We'll have to do it. Rose! Let the morphine spread.
Rose There's no time. He's dying. Bella Get him out now!

I heard even more screams ,but this time even harder.

Jake Save her! You've got to change her!
Edward l can't, he's still in there. l got to get him out first.
Jake Stay, Bella. Stay focused. Keep your heart beating.
Bella No! He's suffocating!

I feel daddy put his hands in Mommy's womb ,but he takes Renesmee not me.

Edward Okay.

I heard my dad laugh ,and my sister crying.

Edward Hey. Hey, hey. lt's Renesmee.
Bella You're beautiful.
Jake Bella? Bella? Bella!

I start crying knowing something bad is happening.

Edward Jacob, take the baby. I think theirs another one in their.
Jake Keep that demon away from me!
Alice Edward. I'll take her.

I feel daddy's cold hand grab me ,and pull me out of the womb.
Soon I am face to face with my daddy ,and I can see his coal black eyes.

Edward A miracle.

I smile at daddy ,and he smiles back.

Jake Edward!
Rose Edward I'm fine know I promise.

I can see daddy fighting with himself on the decision to give me away ,but he ends up giving me to the beautiful blonde.
The blonde lady takes me to a really pretty room I'm guessing its a nursery ,because it has really soft colors. The first thing she did was wash all the blood off me ,and put me in some nice baby clothes with a really comfortable pink blanket.
I feel myself being lifted again. This time I'm taken to a room with a fire. It was really warm.

Rose Hello baby. I'm your aunt Rose ,and I am so glad I can finally meet you. Are you hungry baby?

I slowly raise my hand and touched her cheek. She gasped at first ,because I showed her what I was thinking which was me drinking a cup of blood.

Rose Your a talented baby aren't you?

She quickly gave me my blood.
Then aunt Rose just stared at me in aw.
From the corner of my eye I could see this boy coming my way. He didn't look too happy though.
He soon stopped looking mad once he got close enough to see my eyes that's when he fell to the ground ,and aunt Rose noticed what just happened.

Rose What did you just do you mutt?!
Jake You know I have no control over it Blondie.
Alice Their here!
Their here to kill them.
Jake Who?
Alice Sam's pack. Edward and the rest are already outside.

I felt my aunts grip tighten on me ,but not too much.
I heard a lot of yelling ,but thankfully it was over in a matter of minutes.
Soon I could see all my family members come in through the door.

Edward Can I hold her Rose?
Rose Yeah.

I was handed to daddy.

Edward What shall we name you my little baby?
Rose How about Jillian?
Edward I love it.
Esme And how about Isabeth for Isabella and Elizabeth?
Edward I like that too.
I think her name should be Jillian Rosalie Isabeth Cullen.
Rosalie Rosalie?
Edward Yes since you've always loved them.

I see my aunt smile ,and I smile back. Everybody aw's.

Alice Here's Renesmee.
Edward Hello Renesmee.

Renesmee puts her hand in daddy's cheek ,and I'm guessing she showed him something since daddy looked shocked.
I put my hand in his cheek too asking who the lady I saw their was ,and when would I see her again.

Edward That's your mother Jillian ,and you two will probably see her soon.
Jake Can I carry her?
Edward Yes ,and Jake thank you for helping my family.
Jake No need for Thankyou's.

I pointed my arms to the boy ,and he gladly took them.
I was in the boys arms for quite some time. He soon introduced himself as Jacob Black ,but that I can call him Jake for short.
Later on aunt Rose came ,and claimed her turn to hold me ,and that's how the rest of the night went well until I fell asleep on aunt Rose. Daddy was with mommy ,and Ness was sleeping on a pixie like lady's arms.

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