chapter 3

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Rosalie's POV

Rose May I hold her Edward?
Edward Sure Rose.
Rose Thanks.

I grabbed the now awake Jillian ,and placed her in my arms.
She had been with Edward all night. Today she looked like a 2 month old baby. I checked Renesmee and she's looking older too almost two months older than she was yesterday.

Rose I'm gonna go change her.

Edward slowly nodded. I left the room ,and made my way to the girls nursery. I changed Jillian into a short sleeve grey dress, a light pink sweater,some light pink socks,and some black flats.

Rose You look adorable baby girl.

I watched as she gave me a small smile.
She's just so beautiful.

Rose Are you hungry Jilly?

In just that moment I heard her stomach growl softly.

Rose I'll take that as a yes.

We both let out a chuckle. I carry Jillian downstairs to the kitchen.

Esme Here Rose her bottle.
Rose Thank you Esme.

Esme nods. I fed Jillian her bottle until she finished it.

Rose Want more?

Jillian shook her tiny head as a no.

Esme Carlisle is waiting for them upstairs.
Rose OK I'll tell Edward were getting started.
Jake Started with what?

Ugh the mutt has appeared again.

Esme Their testing.
Jake Oh. Can I carry her?

I had no choice but to give him Jillian.

Rose I'll go tell Edward.
Edward No need.

I nod. Esme,Jake,Edward,Jillian,and I go upstairs where Alice, Jasper, and Renesmee already are at.

Carlisle OK so who wants to ho first?
Nessie Me!

We all looked at her with shock. She had already learned to talk.

Alice She started talking yesterday.
Carlisle OK then let's get started.

All of us watched as Carlisle measured and tested Renesmee.

Carlisle She seems to be doing alright. She's 60% percent vampire though ,and 40% human ,and then we all know what her gift is. Jillian's turn.

Emmet was now by my side. He came in a few seconds before Carlisle finished. The dog slowly gave Jillian to carlisle.
She was a lot more shorter than Renesmee.
A while later Carlisle was all done.

Carlisle Little Jillian here is healthy too. She's 50% human and vampire though.
I'm guessing Renesmee was claiming all the blood that entered Bella's system.

Renesmee It was good!

Renesmee seemed happy.

Carlisle Renesmee crush this please.

I saw as Carlisle handed Renesmee a small rock.
Renesmee crushed it to bits it was no trouble to her.

Carlisle Wow.
Edward How could that be?
Carlisle I don't know Edward.
Alice What?
Carlisle Renesmee seems to have way more vampire in her than 60%. Renemee must have taken a lot of blood. That's probably why we didn't knew their was two babies. Jillian was so small she could have died.

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