Chapter 8

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Got me down

*Cookie's POV*

That damn bastard Lucious! He just had to show up at Frankie's. He probably had one of them spies come and watch me. I hate it when he's over protective like that,but it's kinda sexy. Fuck,I gotta clear my head. The whole point of this is to make him jealous.

So I went over to the book that the waiters and waitresses check in and check out and ripped a piece of paper from it. I grabbed a pen and wrote my number on it. I tucked it in Frankie's shirt pocket. I winked at him and said: "Call me,so we can set up that date..."I winked then got my ass outta that restaurant before Lucious could talk any more nonsense. Or before Frankie could even ask me how I know him.

30 minutes later

"Hey ya'll" I said,as I walked into Carol's house. Tameeka's there too. And my girl Nikki. "What ya'll doing tonight?"I ask them. "Nothing. But don't you have a date with mr fine ass Frankie?"ask Nikki. "Girl,gone! He gotta text me first"I say while giggling. It's been a long time since I went on a date so yeah. It will thrill me to get ready and pick outfits and shit.

"I want a drink"I say. "So get yo lazy ass up and go make one"Carol says,rolling her eyes. "Girl,ain't gotta snap! She's a guest!"Tameeka responds. "Guest my ass! She been here for years and she literally lives here. When she drunk,she crash here...when she got Lucious problems,she crash here! So ain't got no idea what y'all talking bout guests over here"Carol says. "Damn girl,you ain't gotta give a speech! We know there ain't no guests over there. You PMSing?"Nikki asks.

"No shit!"Carol snaps. We all shut up. "Damn! You need ice with dat,Nikki?"I tease her. "Shut up!"she say,laughing. We all decide to leave Carol alone cos she ain't in the mood.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I check it. By the way,the girls are doing each other's hair. Nikki's doing my hair and Tameeka's doing Carol's hair.

@Frankie~Hey.Is this Cookie?

@CookieMonster~nah,this the girl that showed up at the restaurant today and "CALLED" herself cookie and gave u that number

@Frankie~Damn! You sarcastic on the phone too?!

@CookieMonster~ Sarcasm is my language,baby

@Frankie~ So when you wanna go out?

I smirk. Damn,I wonder what he sees in me. I'm nothin but trouble. The girls spot my smirk and ask what it is. "It's Frankie"I say,while typing a message back to him.

@CookieMonster~ I'm available tomorrow.

@Frankie~ Ok. I'll pick you up at 18:30

@CookieMonster~See you tomorrow then

@Frankie~Ok.I hope you didn't tell anyone else about my cooking was a special favour to you.



When I locked my phone and started smiling like a fool,the girls all went "Ooooh!" I laughed with em,but blushed.

"Shut up,ya'll!"I say. "Mmmh! Mister fine ass cook got you catching feelings over text!!! Haha...I'mma tell Jermel!"says Carol. Jermel is an old friend of ours. We were all in the hood together. He was even there when my boy Jamal went downstairs with the scarf n heels on him. Jermel said that Jamal can be whatever he want. He didn't care. As long as he didn't forget his roots and his family and friends.

Jermel and I always knew that Jamal was gon be a star. Just that hard headed man,Lucious couldn't get it through his head.

*Lucious POV*

Yeah. Vernon was right. Ain't nothin suspicious goin on here. When I saw Cookie,I felt my "buddy" getting hard. Like I NEED TO JACK OFF hard. Shit,man! Cookie got me down and stressed out. Ion even think about Anika. Even after last night.

I decide to have a milkshake like we used to. I take a picture just from my lips down. The picture has my lips on the straw,the tall milkshake glass and you can see my suit in the background. It's strawberry milkshake and it makes me go back to the old times. Shit,I miss her!

Only reason I divorced her was because I couldn't live life without her. See,I never told her that cos I know she's not gon understand. That's why I'm tryna build our friendship first but it's difficult when she dress like that! Damn!

I gotta fix myself. I text Anika.

@Lucious~ be in my office in 30 minutes. I need you

I wait for 1 minute. My phone buzzes! Shit this woman's is desperate. Maybe she's just horny like me.

@Anika~I'll be there.



A/n: The picture at the top is Frankie (played by Boris Kodjoe).

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