Chapter 19

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Michael is so amazing. I love him so much it's not even funny. But last night he just broke my heart. He cheated on me with some raggedy ass painter he met at a gallery.

I decided to go out to a club and just let loose. It's just me,the music and the alcohol. Everything stops though,when I see an amazing looking woman. I know I'm not usually attracted to women,but why if I'm bisexual. Doesn't hurt to explore?

She's got beautiful,dark skin and curls that make me envious. Curves that make me drool and she walks better than a model. She attracts me somehow. She sees me staring and walks to me. "Hey.."I say. She smiles and detects that I'm drunk cos I kinda slurred the greeting. "How long have you been drinkin?"she asks me. "Oh I'm fine! My name is Jamal! Nice to meet you too!"I say.

She laughs at my sarcasm. "Fine. The name's Tiana."she says. She smiles and exposes her beautiful dimples. "What do you do,Tiana?"I ask her,genuinely curious. "I'm a musician and dancer."she says,downing a shot she just ordered. "Great! I'm also a musician."I say. After a bit of a pause,I say:"Lemme see what you got!"

She smiles nervously and walks over to the stage. She starts dancing and singing to a song called Drip drop. Why does it sound so familiar?? But screw that! Right now,I'm just watching her body drip drop. She shakes it and puts all the strippers to shame.

"Wow! You are something else!"I say. 

This night is,by far the best night I've had in many days. Let's hope I keep it that way.


Shit happens. But in the end,we come through and everything becomes better. That's a mantra I've been living by all my life. Since Carol and I left jail,I've been thinking a lot about US. And where we stand. I know it's only been about a few days of dating but I wanna take her out on an actual date. I'm gonna ask her for her number when we get home.

Right now,we're in my JEEP wrangler and driving to my condo. The estate isn't safe anymore. It's also being renovated so I'll be staying in my downtown condo for now. When I've parked the car and opened the door for Carol,she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me. She kisses me like she's never before. The kiss deepens and becomes heated. We're interrupted by a group of teenagers that say: "get a room!". They all laugh.

Those kids stop laughing when I turn around smiling. "Oh my fucking god! It's Drake!?!"one of the girls screams. I quickly get into the car and drive Carol and I to a hotel. It's the best in town. And if people find out that I live in that condo,there'll be paparazzi everywhere.


After crying on Lucious' shoulder for what seems to be forever,we decide to go out to an Asian restaurant. It's called Simply Asia.

When we get there,we sit in a private booth. I'm wearing a pair of light blue ripped jeans,light brown high heeled Timberlands and a white long sleeved crop top with a black leather jacket. I've decided to dress in all swag. Lucious is wearing black jeans and a muscle revealing grey dress shirt and a black blazer.

We get seated and an Asian waitress comes up to take our orders. We order our food and wait. "So what's with the straight face,Cookie Lyon?"Lucious asks me. "I'm not Cookie Lyon anymore"I say. I see a flash of hurt in his eyes,before he looks down at the menu,even though we've already ordered.Oh god. I've hurt him. "Lu..."I try to apologies. But he cuts me off. "No.You're right. I deserve this. I'm the one who never visited you in"he says. "No! But I was harsh just now. Just please accept this apology?"I beg. "I don't know why you love me,baby"he says,siting next to me now.

The waitress arrived with the food and chopsticks. Shit. "Uhm....Cookie...why aren't you eating?"Lucious asks me as I stare blankly at the chopsticks. "It's embarrassing"I say,feeling my cheeks heat up. "Just talk! And talk fast before your food gets cold"he says,slightly smiling. "You promise you won't laugh?"I ask. "Promise"he says,kissing my cheek. "I can't eat with chopsticks"I tell him. He smiles. And his smile gets wider and wider.

"What?"I ask. He looks down before saying: "That's the most adorable thing I've ever heard". He picks up my chopsticks and shows me how to hold them. I feel bolts of electricity,running down my arm as he touches my hands. He looks into my eyes and leans in to kiss me. The kiss lasts for longer than 2 minutes. I pull back for some air.

I'm so crazy for this man. He never judges me. Even when I make a fool of myself. Damn it! I don't deserve him.


Cookie and I are having a great time here at Simply Asia. We're about to order dessert,when she gets up an goes to the bathroom. I feel a slight buzz in my pocket.

Must be my phone. I check it and see that I've got a message from Becky.

@Becky~Security failed last week so I decided to hire a new head of security. His name is Malcom De Voux. I fired the last one,cos he tried to steal elevator components. The new guy is starting next week.

@Lucious~No problem,Becky. Thanks again for everything.

@Becky~pleasure sir

I go offline as soon as Cookie arrives. "What's that?"she asks.

"Oh it's just Becky telling me we got a new head of security"I tell her.

She looks shocked. "What happened to the other one?"she asks.

"He got caught,tryna steal elevator components"I tell her.

"So who's the new guy?"she asks me.

"I think it was Malcolm De Voux?"I tell her....


A/n: Jamal in the media. Uh-oh.......I promise Lu and Cookie won't break up cos of Malcolm😈. Someone else will fall for him. Can ya'll guess who? How do you feel about Jamal and Tiana? Tamal or Jiana...(lol).

Anyway....keep voting,commenting and sharing this book. We're almost at 3k!!!!

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