Chapter 26

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A/n: The media is just an overall view of The Waterfront in South Africa,where Hakeem went. This is in Cape Town. Comment about it. Would love to know what you think,cos I took the picture. Lol.

The Wedding (Part 2)

Play: Made to Love-John Legend🎵


I'm getting ready to walk down the isle and I think to myself....I've come a long way. From hustling in the streets,to doing time in jail then marrying the man who never visited me there. One would certainly think I'm crazy. But this man had reasons for not visiting me. Romantic but stupid reasons. He raised our three beautiful boys for the 17 years that I was gone.

He loves me. He cares about me. And he has the power to make me change my mind and think again. He's saved me from my own craziness,in a way. He was my first love,first kiss,first time and first everything. That's why I'm marrying him. I have all the reasons.

So as I walk down the isle while "Made to love by John Legend" is playing,I cry happy tears.

My mother,father,friends,aunts and uncles are all seated in this to celebrate my marriage. Again. But today it's more special. They have no doubts because the man ahead of me is grinning like a fool.

I get to the front and hand the flowers to Carol,my maid of honour. She takes them smiling and says:"I can see his heart attack begin." I try my best to keep the laugh in.

I face Lucious. He's in a black and white tuxedo. Black tie,trimmed hair and his big,caramel hands are holding mine.  His perfect white teeth showing. "We are gathered here to celebrate a rare love. Love that was found at the mere age of fourteen. These two souls,grew together and are destined to grow some more,together. Love at first sight is an understatement. It was meant to be from BIRTH."the priest says.

I hear a few "Amen!"'s from some people on my side of the family. Damn! Now I know how people feel when I make random comments. Or when I barge into Lucious' meetings.

Lucious squeezes my hands and that brings me out of my deep thoughts.

"It is time for the bride and groom to exchange vowels"the priest says.

Lucious starts. "Cookie,my ride or die...."he says. People start laughing,cos they know he's joking. And he's tilting his head to look at me better cos I'm blushing and looking down. I finally look up. A tear slides down my face. He wipes it away with one thumb. People go "Aaaw"

Damn! This is like a fuckin TV show! There's sound effects for everything!

"I've loved you from day one. Day one,as in...before Bunkie introduced us. When I saw you walking into school with your hair in braids and pouting cos Carol ha shouted at you that morning. You made me feel like I belonged somewhere. You understood me and never expected me to be perfect because you thought I was perfect in all my gangster glory. We have three successful boys,that I watched you raise. You helped me with my music and if it weren't for you,I wouldn't be here!"he says.

He pauses and looks deeply into my eyes. I feel like he's looking straight into my soul.

"You're beautiful,smart,sexy and make me laugh all of the time. I wanna tell the whole world about you. You make me wanna change and be better. With you,I have everything a man could ever ask for. I love you,Cookie....And I always will."he says.

My throat gets dry.

"And now,Cookie Lyon...."the priest says. "Damn! Hold up! You still gotta announce them husband and wife before callin her Cookie Lyon! Damn,nigga you pressin fast forward!"Jamal says. Hakeem and Andre laugh hard. Everybody just stares at them. Amy says: "AWKWARD..."in a high pitched voice.

Lucious and I laugh. "Boys behave!"I playfully shout at them,faking anger.

"Lucious,I shoulda ran away from you the day you set eyes on me. I knew you were trouble. Jamal,don't even THINK about singin the song!"I say. People laugh. Jamal fakes an offended face.

"You were there for me. All the times I needed you. You were my first love and when we finally dated,I felt complete. Damn! I was obsessed. I used to stare at your picture all day and wondered if we would last forever. And now I got my wish. You're handsome,actually sexy as hell!"people whistle at that one. "And you care. Your love for me is beyond measure. And it's the simple things you do that make me see that. Loving you was my biggest achievement. And the fact that we're standing here,20 years later,just shows that we were made to love"I say.

"Do you...Lucious Lyon,take Cookie's hand in marriage through sickness and in times of trouble?"the priest asks. "Hell yeah"Lucious says. Carol laughs out loud. She's the only one laughing. I see Drake in the corner putting his head in his hands,embarrassed as fuck. Carol backs away but trips and falls flat on her ass in embarrassment. She gets up and stands while smiling,as if nothing happened. Talk about brave. Lucious is tryna hold back a laugh. His cheeks are goin rosy.

"And do you,Cookie...take Lucious Lyon as your lawfully wedded husband,through sickness and hard times?"the priests asks. "I do."I say,letting a tear slip outta my eyes. "By the power invested in me....I now announce you husband and wife. Cookie and Lucious Lyon. You may now kiss the bride."the priest says,grinning from ear to ear.

I didn't think it was possible for someone to smile THAT much when WE'RE getting married. I'm not even smiling that much.

Lucious steps closer to me and leans in. His right hand goes to my neck and his other hand,in my hair. He kisses me as if I'm his last breath. People whistle and clap. When we pull away from each other,Andre starts whistling and clapping. That blonde girl,Rhonda tried to calm him down.

We walk back down the isle,with people throwing red rose petals at us. We run to Lucious' white mustang and get in,driving away,while people laugh and sing and clap.


We get into the white mustang and I put on You're so beautiful. The old version. By me.

She smiles as the guitar intro starts playing. I take my chance and kiss her passionately. My tongue gently moves around her mouth as she moans bites my bottom lip. My hand suddenly gets a mind of it's own and travels to her thigh,slightly squeezing it. "Nah-uh....You rejected me last it's your turn,papi!"she says.

"I didn't reject you! I simply said we should save it for tonight and the honeymoon."I say,acting innocent.

"Boy,gone! We'll have each other tonight. So drive! We got a wedding lunch to get to."she says,looking forward.

I look serious all of a sudden and say: "I love you,Cookie Lyon."


I creeped up late into the wedding just as they said "I do". It crushed my heart but I could see that they were happy together. The truth is,I've never really hated Cookie. I've always envied her ability to control Lucious,when I couldn't even make him eat his breakfast quickly. She's beautiful,curvaceous and has an attitude that puts you down and intimidates you.

I guess I've always wanted that. I see them driving away and wonder to myself..."Why did I even bother loving him so hard when I knew this would happen?". Suddenly,Hakeem shows up behind me. "You got me."then he kisses my cheek. I hold his hand. Maybe this was meant to be. We're about 5 years apart. I'm older,obviously. But hey. YOLO!

5 hours later


After having Lucious feed me the wedding cake,then smearing it all over my face,I leave the lunch and wash my face. He shows up behind me and kisses my shoulder. He's also cleaned his face. "Wanna get ready for wedding number two?"he asks. "Aight"I say,getting out of the white dress.

It's time to go gold and black....


A/n: Sorry that the second wedding is taking so long. I wanted to do perfect descriptions of the wedding. This is one of the most important parts of the book. Forgive me. Was this mushy enough? Please comment,vote and share this book. Let's get it to 4k views!!!

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