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Katniss stood in the dusty hallway, the icy, winter air whistled in behind her, through the gaping doorway.

Her mother had decided to stay in the Capitol. To help the wounded she had said. So she had returned alone bearing only a small sactual of possessions.

Her house in the victors village was, covered in a thick layer of dust, everything was so still and unchanged since she was last here, with Gale.

Gale, a deep throb exploded in her chest and a forbidden tear escaped her eye. Her longest friend, gone and she had pushed him away.

She replayed the series of events in her head like a slideshow.

"I'm sorry" he had said his voice breaking at the end "I couldn't protect them"

Her memory changed with a snap!
They were in the Capitol with the Rebels
"Doesn't count, it's like kissing a drunk"  his voice slid in and out like a water was muffling his words


This time it was her talking, in a soft, voice that was barely audible

"I'm not going anywhere" Gale lay on the table, deep, gaping gashes etched into his back.  He smiled

Another gust of wind forced her to close the door with a final slam, the noise echoed through the empty, wooden timbers of the house. Katniss collapsed to the ground, shaking with tears, a sob escaped her chapped lips and her fingers wildly knotted themselves deep within her hair, pulling

Gale was gone.

Hope you like it!

Katniss Everdeen trapped in flamesWhere stories live. Discover now