Chapter 17 (Harry's POV)

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Ola muchachos!! (I'm not Mexican, where is this coming from?) ….. Excuse my awkwardness. THIS IS SUPER FLUFFY AND CUTE AND NARRY AWWWWWWWW. After all the fighting I think we deserved some happiness :D.

I used some of the movies that you guys commented with on last week’s chapter, so thank you for that!! (Told you I’d use them).

This chapter is dedicated to @ILoveRossLynch123 for being awesome and commenting first!!

I got nominated in the @1DBromanceAwards and I was wondering if you could please vote for me?? I know I won win, but it would be nice if you voted anyway. here’s the link, all you do is comment with my story’s title.


****Please send me some sort of tweet you would send to Niall on twitter, for the next chapter


Chapter 17

Harry’s POV

Sometime between the making out and the cuddling we managed to fall asleep again. I woke up to a flashing of some sort. I opened just one eye, trying not to be blinded. Liam was standing over Niall and I and Louis was taking pictures of us.

I suddenly realised the position that Niall and I were in. Niall was lying flat on his back I was cuddled into his side with my face in his neck, breathing in his scent. Our legs were tangled and he had his hands on my hips.

What is must have looked like to people was me clinging on to him, which in a way I was because I didn’t want to lose him again so I was not ready to let him go. Niall started fidgeting and I realised that he was waking up. He opened his eyes and noticed that I was watching him intently.

He bushed under my gaze. I turned to look at the other boys who had managed to sneak out unnoticed. “You're such a creep you know that?” now it was my turn to blush. “It’s hard not to stare at your beauty.” He laughed. “Oh look we have a Shakespeare in our midst.” I just chuckled and shoved him off.

“Harry, I need to tell you something.” I sat up a bit so I could see him. “Go ahead.” He also sat up so that we were sitting opposite to each other, knees touching. These were small movements that either he or I had initiated before our relationship but now it was a very natural occurrence.

“The reason I, you could say freaked out about you not wanting to go public, was because I thought that you and Louis had something going on, I mean you two are tighter than your jeans, the first time we fought was because you, I mean he, kissed you and the fans like you two being together more than anything else. I thought that you wanted Louis and that you wouldn’t hesitate coming out with him at all. “

It was then that I realised how insecure Niall actually was and it made me sad because I was the one who had made him feel like that. I really wanted to cry and beat myself up but that wouldn’t help my situation.

“Niall, I would never, I'm so sorry that I made you feel that way. I thought I was protecting you because I know how much uncalled for hate you get and I didn’t want you to go through more for dating me and then breaking up with me. I'm sorry for being a selfish prick. I have no feelings, other than brotherly feeling for Louis. It’s just you babe, I love you. And if you still want to, I’d love to come out with you.”

At my last words he smiled and nodded. I was leaning in to give him a kiss when he abruptly sat up from the bed “I'm hungry, let’s go.” I sat there with my mouth agape but eventually got up and followed suit. Trust him to pick food over me. I didn’t mean to sulk but hey. “I'm making you breakfast or rather lunch silly. Please sit down and watch or sleep I guess, after this we're having a movie marathon” 

Okay so maybe this was more for my benefit. I smiled as I sat down and watched his sexy ass make me breakfast.

When Breakfast which was made and eaten was cleared we went into the try room where all the other boys were. I was surprised that he hadn’t burnt the kitchen down and that the food was edible, but he said that he had been practising for me.

Louis spoke up first. “Hello love birds, we're gonna watch Breaking Dawn part 2 because believe it or not I still haven’t and I want to know what happened to wolf boy.” We merely nodded and sat down on the only remaining couch.

Zayn and Liam were sitting so close that they might as well have been cuddling. Louis was sprawled out on the other couch with the bag of popcorn. Niall and I then took the single one-sitter couch. I sat down then grabbed Niall and placed him on top of me so that he was lying across me with his feet hanging off the edge.

The movie started playing but I wasn’t even paying attention to it. Zayn and Liam were whispering and Louis was telling them to hush every few minutes. I however could only concentrate on Niall, the warmth that was radiating from him, the way I could feel him breathing, his chest rising the tiniest bit with every breath. I could smell his cologne and slowly I started getting turned on and I knew he would feel it soon if I didn’t do anything about it, it also didn’t help that Bella and Edward were getting intimate, I could imagine that as Niall and I.

To avoid an awkward situation we had to get up soon. ‘Hey Niall, I'm not really enjoying this, can we go watch something else?” His answer was simply him getting up from the position that we were in, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards his room.

I grabbed my laptop on the way up knowing that I had ‘safer’ movies. “Okay so I have just about every Disney movie, hunger games and all the harr potters what do you wants to watch?” he thought for a moment.

“I love Disney, but Hunger games has Jennifer Lawrence in it and Harry Potter is a classic and literally genius … I don’t you, you pick” I closed my eyes and clicked aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Hunger Games started playing. 

“Hey Harry, if we were in the hunger games what would you do if we were the last two people and we absolutely had to die??” why was he thinking about this. “Save you.” I said this without thinking twice, because of course I would any day. He snuggled closer to me, making me smile.

After Hunger Games we watched Finding Nemo and I could hear Niall sniffing when Nemo got lost, but he insists that his sinuses were acting up. I couldn’t help but love him even more because we hardly got to see his sensitive side, but here it was, out in the open and I was the only one who got to see it.



in the @1DBromanceAwards and I was wondering if you could please vote for me?? I know I won win, but it would be nice if you voted anyway. here’s the link; all you do is comment with my story’s title. (THANK IF YOU DO)


****Please send me some sort of tweet you would send to Niall on twitter, for the next chapter

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