Chapter 24 (Harry's POV)

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Hellooo cupcakes!! This is a bit of an emotional chapter so good luck arghh. The cause of the accident is only revealed in the next chapter only. This chapter is dedicated to JasperHale4eva because her comment made me laugh :P

If you guys ever have prompts you can easily give me one and I’ll definitely write it for you!!

Can you please comment with a get well comment for Niall I can use in the next view chapters??



Chapter 24

Harry’s POV

Screams. Loud screams. Bright lights. Movement. Silence and then more bright lights. Then complete silence.

I woke up to a loud beeping sound. “Omg Harry!” I was suddenly embraced by Liam, Zayn and Louis. I looked around and took note of my surroundings. I was in a hospital room with IVs connected to me. One of the boys hugged too tight causing me to flinch.

I was still disorientated and I couldn’t remember what had happened. “Guys, what happened.” And then I noticed that Niall wasn’t there. “And where’s Niall?” The boys looked at each other sceptically. Zayn and Liam looked at Louis, who let out a defeated breath “Harry, you two were in an accident.”

It suddenly all came back to me.                                                                                                                      “So remember what we discussed on the way here?” I wiggled my eyebrows hoping that Niall would get the hint. He started laughing but was cut off with a screech and roaring. Everything went crazy, we were tossed around in the debris of the crash and I couldn’t help Niall.

I started crying. Where was he? Was he okay? “Where is he? Where’s my Niall?” I started getting out the bed, I had to find him. The boys started pushing me back onto the bed. “No stop it, let me go to him please.” I was using all of the energy I had, trying to make the boys let me go. “No Harry, lie down.”

“Why won’t you let me find him?” I stopped fighting and just broke down in their arms. “He’s fine, well he’s alive. He’s in surgery Harry, you can’t go to him. I promise he will be okay.” Hearing the word promise sprouted a new round of tears. “I promised that I would keep him safe, but I broke it.” The boys just hugged me and shushed me, lulling me to sleep.

The second time I woke up there was a doctor standing above me. “Ahh good you’re awake, how are you feeling?” I’m sure I looked like crap and if that was probably an accurate description of how I felt on the inside, so I just shrugged, hoping that he would just accept it.

“Okay so Mr Styles you lost a lot of blood in the crash but we stitched you up nicely and you should heal soon enough and if you are stable enough then you leave tomorrow” that was all well and good but what about Niall? “Umm what happened to Niall Horan?” I asked timidly, scared of what the answer would be.

He gave a soft unsure smile. “Mr Horan landed in a very bad position and that caused his spine to shift slightly blocking blood flow and damaging his organs. We performed a surgery to try correct and reverse the effects but he had an allergic reaction to the anaesthetic and he is in a coma now, his body is just trying to recuperate.”

I gasped slightly; it was a lot worse than I had hoped. Why couldn’t it have been me instead! “When can I see him?” I knew he would look quite bad but I didn’t care, I had to know that he was really there; I had to see him for myself.

“Now, if you feel strong enough.” I instantly nodded. I didn’t care if anything hurt; I had to my baby now! The doctor helped me get into a wheelchair and then wheeled me to Niall’s room. When he got to the door Liam was sitting outside. “Harry, is it okay for you to be here?”

I waved him off. “I'm here to see Niall.” His eyes darted to the doctor’s before returning to mine. “It’s bad Harry, really bad.” I just nodded. “It’s something I have to do Liam.” He stepped aside and let me into the room.

My eyes immediately landed on Niall. He looked so small and lifeless and my heart broke into tiny pieces. He looked paler than usual, his hair dull and limp. His lips and eyelids were blue and he had needles and cords attached to him.

It was my fault that he was this way! I told him that I really wanted to go on that stupid date instead of our lazy day. Maybe if we hadn’t gone onto the Ferris wheel we could have avoided this! The thing that hurt me the most was that I made a promise to him, that I would always take care of him and protect him. I never even got to tell him that I loved him. By this time I was full out crying.

I took his hand with the least amount of drips injected into him. His clean was cold and I really just wanted him to squeeze my hand back. “Niall, they say that coma patients can usually hear the sounds around them so if that’s true then I hope you can hear this. I need you here babe, I love you so much and I’m sorry for not taking care of you. You complete me, you are my other half, I need you.”


Now you were standing there right in front of me
I hold on it's getting harder to breathe
All of a sudden these lights are blinding me
I never noticed how bright they would be

I saw in the corner there is a photograph
No doubt in my mind it's a picture of you
It lies there alone in its bed of broken glass
This bed was never made for two

I'll keep my eyes wide open
I'll keep my arms wide open

Don't let me
Don't let me
Don't let me go
'Cause I'm tired of feeling alone

Don't let me
Don't let me go
'Cause I'm tired of feeling alone

I promised one day that I'd bring you back a star
I caught one and it burned a hole in my hand oh
Seems like these days I watch you from afar
Just trying to make you understand
I'll keep my eyes wide open yeah

Don't let me
Don't let me
Don't let me go
'Cause I'm tired of feeling alone
Don't let me
Don't let me go

Don't let me
Don't let me
Don't let me go
'Cause I'm tired of feeling alone

Don't let me
Don't let me
Don't let me go
'Cause I'm tired of feeling alone

Don't let me
Don't let me go
'Cause I'm tired of sleeping alone

“Please Niall, don’t leave me, I don’t know what I would do without you, my love” I heard a strong beeping sound and looked up to Niall’s heart monitor, it was flat breathing hitched, this couldn’t be happening! I was living a terrible dream, my worst nightmare, hell no nightmare could match up to this one. I started screaming and yelling; anything but they had to save him!

“NIALL NO PLEASE DON’T DO THIS NIALL PLEASE!” I heard the door open and the doctors came running through the door and started doing everything that they could do to revive Niall. I was dry crying now, all my tears were finished. All I wanted, no needed was for Niall to wake up and be okay. But all I could hear was that haunting, chilling flat line.


OH GOD I HATE ME TOO DON’T WORRY ARGHH. Niall!! :( I feel like Harry’s having an emotional breakdown or something.

Was the chapter okay?? (except for poor Niall)

If you guys ever have prompts you can easily give me one and I’ll definitely write it for you!!

Can you please comment with a get well comment for Niall I can use in the next view chapters??


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