2 - Harry's Birthday

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Chapter Two - Harry's Birthday

Friday, 31st of July

Godric's Hollow, 1981

"Happy Birthday Harry!" James sang, as he skipped into his son's room. Swooping him out of the cot, James pulled him close.

"How are you today, my little lamb?" James asked, nuzzling his neck. Harry giggled in response.

"Well, it appears that a few things for you have arrived! Do you want to go see them?" Harry grinned widely and made to grab James's wand.

"Oh no, Harry, not just yet." James chuckled, holding it out of reach. "Here, I'll make you some bubbles." Harry was immediately taken by the brightly coloured bubbles and started trying to catch them.

"That's my boy," James grinned.

* * *

Upon, opening all of his presents - a lot, but not nearly as many as his cousin had received a few months previously - Harry sat smiling amongst a pile of wrapping paper, which was bigger than him.

But it seemed there was one gift that he had not opened. A tap at the window alerted the Potters to the fact that a large screech owl was outside - with a large box.

The Potters sat on the floor around the box. James helped Harry peel back the wrapping and Lily opened it curiously. Approximately twenty bubbles floated out and Harry grinned delightedly. Delving back into the box, his small hand pulled out a tiny envelope. Lily helped him rip off the paper and open the card inside.

A shrill voice began to sing "Happy Birthday" to Harry who was clapping along, completely out of time. James instantly recognised the voice and took the opportunity while Harry was distracted to check out the rest of the box.

Pulling out a small, delicate object, he placed it on Lily's hand. She stared as he pulled his hand back, and suddenly her mouth formed a small "o" of realization. Sitting in the palm of her hand was the flower she had been named for, a lily.

Harry had lost interest in the card, having played it five times straight, and reached back into the box. Seeing him struggle, James helped. It was a long stick shape with a bulge on one end. It was a toy broomstick.

"Now you have your own broom, Harry!" James sang. Whipping out his wand, he removed all of the wrappings. James was always an impatient person.

"Read the instructions first!" Lily warned, as James was trying to balance Harry on the broom. Throwing the instructions to him, Lily rolled her eyes. "It's upside down!" James pulled Harry round the broom so that he was hanging upside down (but being secured by his father). Harry giggled and James, smiling, put him down gently.

As James bent over to retrieve the instruction manual, which had not quite made it to him (Lily was never the best thrower), Lily looked back into the box. There were still a couple of things left - a note and a small bag of sweets.

Lily picked up the discarded birthday card, opened it, and smiled.

Dear Harry,

Many happy returns to my absolute favourite Godson on his first birthday! I hope you enjoy your present!

Lots of love from your Godfather,


Ps. I hope you enjoyed my singing

Turning to the bag of sweets, she opened them carefully. This was Sirius, after all. But they seemed perfectly ordinary, common, Fizzing Whizzbees.

"What are they?" James asked, over the instruction manual.

Lily showed him.

"Ooh, Fizzing Whizbees!" James exclaimed, giving up all pretence of reading the manual and taking a large handful from the packet. "My favourite!"

As James went back to help Harry with his broom, Lily turned to the note.

Dear Lily and James,

Did Harry like his present? I hope he did, I spent ages trying to get the bubble spell exactly right. The singing was easier, it came naturally, of you like the flower, Lily, and the sweets, James? I knew they were your favourite! Write to me soon, and I'm sorry but I can't come later - Order stuff. I'll see you soon though, yeah?



Lily smiled and looked up just in time to see her son shooting straight past her head, her husband chasing after him. Lily rolled her eyes and whipped her wand out.

"Impedimenta!" The broom froze in mid-air and Harry felt onto the pillow that Lily had just summoned from the sofa.

"James, do you want to read this? It's from Sirius. And do NOT let him back on that broom until I am back in the room, okay?"

"Uh-huh," James said, his concentration focused on the note. Smiling as he finished, his face suddenly shifted into a frown. "Wait, where are you going?"

Lily laughed. "To get the camera."

* * *

"Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday dear Harry,

Happy Birthday to you!"

Lily, James and their neighbour, the famous magical historian Bathilda Bagshot, burst into applause. Harry was sitting in his high chair, looking very pleased with himself. He had had a very enjoyable day.

When Lily had come back into the room with the camera, rushing down the stairs after hearing a loud crash, Harry had already mastered the broom. Well. Almost. He had smashed a horrible vase that his Aunt Petunia had sent for Christmas. James and Lily decided they wouldn't bother repairing it and chucked it straight in the bin.

As Harry zoomed round the room, Lily waved her wand and all the ornaments flew out the room and into a box, which Lily stuffed under the stairs.

"Look! He's a natural! He's going to be a great quidditch player, I promise you!"

James was leaping about with excitement whilst Lily watched the scene with amusement. Picking up the camera, she took a few snaps of Harry who was having the time of his life, roaring with laughter.

"Here," she said to James and proceeded to make the camera hover in mid-air. Pulling Harry into the photo she flicked her wand and the photo took. However just then, Harry zipped off out of the frame, and James took off after him. Lily couldn't hold in her laughter anymore - this was the most fun she'd had in ages.

* * *


1)      Unfortunately, I don't own these characters, they belong to J K Rowling (all right to her, etc)

2)       I know that Bathilda isn't really in this, but I felt that the chapter ending would work better  here, rather than going back to Bathilda . . .

3)      This is quite a short chapter but they do get a lot longer so stick with me!

4)      I just edited this, so thanks for your continued support! Please vote and comment review whenever you can!

Jenny xx

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