9 - James' Despair

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Chapter Nine - James' Despair

31st of October, 1981

(The Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix)

James could hear his friends arguing with Dumbledore. He had never wanted to be with them so much - even being in hiding before was better than this.

Their shouts were cut off, and Dumbledore came into the hall looking solemn.

"Professor..." James started.

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows to show that he was listening.

"Would you mind if we stopped by at Godric's Hollow? I want to see if I can pick a few things up, for all of us, before we move on."

Dumbledore pressed his slender fingers to his forehead and took a long breath. "Yes … but James? This will not be easy for you. I am afraid there is one aspect of the plan that I have not yet explained, and going to Godric's Hollow will make it harder."

James nodded slowly. "Okay...?"

"James, if we go to Godric's Hollow, you have to swear that you will do exactly as I tell you, even if you desperately don't want to."

James nodded again. "I swear," he said, his voice shaking slightly.

"Take my hand, James."

James pulled Lily close and reached out to take it. He realised it wasn't just his voice that was shaking.


(Godric's Hollow)

With a loud CRACK, four people appeared outside the Potter's former residence. The house had collapsed, it only reached two-thirds of its previous height.

Dumbledore looked up and down the now empty street nervously. It looked like it was about to rain. "Let's get inside. And be careful. I'll try to keep the rubble from falling on us."

James walked through the open gate and up to the door. It was only held on by one hinge. He paused in the hall. There was a lot of rubble as it was an epicentre of sorts; the epicentre of the blast. He picked his way through the rubble and found his way into the front room, which was relatively unharmed. Dumbledore followed him in and drew the curtains shut with a flick of his wand.

James laid Lily down on the sofa, and turned to Dumbledore, who had made himself comfortable on an armchair, a blanket-wrapped Harry on his lap.

"I'll be a few minutes," he said. "We had a couple of bags prepared, in case we needed to run."

Dumbledore smiled kindly. "We have time, don't rush yourself too much - as long as we leave in about twenty minutes then it will be fine."

James left the room and made his way up to his bedroom. The house had felt like a prison at times, but he'd do anything to get back to before Voldemort arrived.

James checked his watch. That was only about what, three, four, hours ago? It seemed like years. It was nearly midnight, as well. James shook his head to try and clear it. He'd think about it all after, when he had time on his hands.

Luckily, his bedroom seemed quite unscathed, so he lifted up the floorboard and took out his box, leaving it on the bed while he found the rucksack Lily had charmed months ago. It could fit almost anything inside. He put the box in it, then continued round the room, putting in anything useful or meaningful. He scoured a few rooms like this, leaving just enough to make it look as though he'd never been back there.

In went photos, birthday cards, love notes, James' favourite jumper, Lily's favourite book. He threw in food from the kitchen as well, just in case. Finally, when the bag was so heavy he didn't think he'd be able to carry it for long, James went back to the living room. He threw in a couple of photographs for good measure, and turned to Dumbledore, who'd been examining Harry's scar.

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