My Evany Bear! XD

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This is a picture of Evan dressing up as a bear in front of Delirious and Delirious goes crazy (because he loves bears aka teddy bears) and knocks Evan out and took him into his room tied up and duck tape so Evan won't make any noises for the other guys to hear and Delirious grabs his knife to shut Evan up and starts raping him!

Hahaha!!! XD Lmfao!!! I-I can't breathe rn because of what I wrote about the picture and I also might write a story about this one too! XD Lmfao! So see you guys in the next part, peace! And I used coloring pencils and crayons too because, those are the only things I got to color with so don't judge and bye have a awesome time!!!!
-Crazyfreak64 XD

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