A contest of me and my 3 sisters were doing!!! XD

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Hey guys, it's me Crazyfreak64 and this was a contest that me and my 3 sisters were doing which they are:

Py, because she doesn't want me to put her real name in here and she's my older sister too and people say that we look alike, same height and etc and was the one who drew H20delirious!

Second is my little sister Lillie!!! Drew an awesome pokemon named Treecko, a grass type pokemon but she cheated because she was looking at the card which was mine but it's still cool that she drew it anyway because she's just a 3rd grader okay.

Last is my littlest sister Lovely which her friends call you Love-Love because she's a loving person, sometimes and she drew Evan Fong aka Vanoss and scribbled it because she quited and didn't like her drawing of it so I decided to put her picture she drew here because I wanted all of you guys to see the drawing contests we've did.

And last but not least, it's me Crazyfreak64 XD who drew Cry!!!! Because my sister Py stole the drawing I was about to make of Delirious but different but I didn't care if she drew Delirious so I decided to draw Cry because, this was the first time I drew him and I won because my 4th oldest sister older than Py and me, name Darling chose me as the winner as everyone was jealous and I was excited and I was a better drawer than Py which she thinks I'm always jealous that her drawings she drew thinks that they're always better than mine because I know she doesn't want to lose to me, her younger sister and peace!!! -Crazyfreak64 XD

And see you guys later, peace!!! -Crazyfreak64 XD And don't forget to vote and comments on the contest we did and for the as for the winner, Me!!!! Is going to celebrate my victory of a champion *laughs evilly* and see you guys in the next drawing I'm going to make soon, so bye!!!! XD

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