Switched colors h20vanoss

329 11 2

Me: "What have I done?!"

Evan: "We look so weird"

Jonathan: "Haha! My face looks like shit!"

Craig: "Wft?"

Brian: "Wth happened to you guys?!"

Brock: "Wait! Who's this?" *confused*

Lui: "What happened to Vanoss and Delirious?!"

David: "Okay.... I'm out!" *walks away*

Marcel: "Whoa?! Haha! What the hell is this?!" *lmao*

Luke: "What the hell happened to Jonathan?!" *pissed*

Tyler: *looks like nothing happened* "Wth is on your face Jonathan?"

Jonathan: "Chocolate?"

Tyler: *flash the light at Evan and Jonathan* "The subscribers gotta see this" *laughs*

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