Backstage With the Boys

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As soon as the concert ended and the boys walked off the stage, Hailey was dragging me to the back. We went through the big black curtain that separated the auditorium and backstage - where we immediately came face to face with the same bodyguard that came to collect the boys for the concert earlier. His name tag read ‘Paul’, and he looked down at his clip board. “Name?” he asked earlier, before looking up. “I recognize you two, you were the girls that were outside with the boys before the concert, right?” I nodded at Paul, and then told him our names. “Hailey and Layla.” Paul nodded and then motioned for us to follow him down the hallway.

After a few minutes of walking, we came to a stop in front of a door that had a plaque saying, “One Direction” I was guessing this was their dressing room. Paul knocked on the door, and I could hear the guys moving around on the other side. Just then, Liam’s head popped out and looked at us. Smiling, he opened the door wider and motioned for Hailey and me to step in the room with them.

The guys were all horsing around, throwing a ball at each other, which came barreling towards my head. At last second, I let out a quick shriek and then ducked just as the ball struck the wall behind me. I stood back up slowly and grabbed the ball from its resting place on the ground. “Who threw the ball?” I asked deviously. The guys looked around at each other, and one by one they all pointed at Louis, who was just staring at me like a deer in headlights. “Hi Louis” I smiled sweetly, taking a small step toward him. “Hi?” He said confusedly, watching my every move. “You almost hit me” I told him innocently enough. “Yeah… Sorry about that” He said apologetically, hoping to keep me from doing anything.

I threw my arm back suddenly and chunked the ball at Louis. With a loud smack, the ball bounced off of Louis’ shocked face. I started laughing loudly and the rest of the guys joined in shortly. “Nice aim!” Zayn told me with a smile.

“Louis! My love!” Harry screamed running to Louis’ side. Louis was just sitting there, rubbing his reddening jaw. I smiled victoriously and Louis glared at me playfully. Harry threw his arms over Louis and looked at me with fake anger. “Why’d you have to hit his face? That’s the only thing he had going for him!” Harry yelled, making me chuckle. Louis immediately looked at Harry and playfully smacked his cheek. “Is not!” he screamed at Harry, getting up. “I have many more qualities than my hotness!” Niall came up behind Louis and patted his back. “I hate to tell you mate, but Harry is right”

This started a full out war between the guys. Louis was running around chasing Harry and Niall, when Zayn and Liam decided to start chunking pillows at them. I watched amused as the guys chased after each other playfully. Harry ran up beside me and grabbed Hailey’s waist from beside me, throwing her on the couch in a fit of giggles.

I watched as my best friend was then thrown into a tickle fight with none other than Harry Styles himself. They were so cute - he totally liked her. I smiled, happy for my best friend, I knew if they dated she would flip out completely having all her dreams come true. Harry had always been her favorite One Direction guy.

While I was watching Harry and Hailey amusedly, a solid body ran into my side and I fell to the ground with my attacker. Mid-fall, my attacker shifted so they were under me and I fell on top of someone’s rock hard abs. Strong arms wrapped around my waist as we hit the ground with an “oomph”. I looked down to see who my attacker was, and found a pair of sea blue eyes staring back at me. I realized then that I was lying on top of Niall Horan - 1/5 of One Direction. I still couldn’t believe what Hailey and I got us into by going to this concert.

“Hi” Niall smiled at me cutely. “Did you have fun on stage?” I nodded happily, pulling myself off of him quickly. Holding out my hand, I helped him to his feet. “Yeah it was a blast; I was surprised you picked me though.” I answered honestly, looking down at my feet. “Nah, you’re cool Layla. I would love to be your friend” Niall told me, brushing a strand of hair out of my face. I smiled and nodded, realizing I actually wanted to get to know him better.

* 3 Hours Later *

We were all sitting on the couches talking lightly with each other. I was sitting in between Louis and Liam, Harry, Zayn and Hailey on the couch opposite of us, and Niall was sitting on the floor at my feet, leaning against my calves. So far Hailey and I have just answered a few simple questions for the boys. Like the fact that we live in Danbury, Connecticut, we are both newly graduated eighteen year olds, and we have been best friends since kindergarten.

Soon enough, Paul came into the room and told the boys that it was about time to go back to their hotel and get some sleep. They had a plane to catch back to London the next day and had to get up early. Zayn groaned at this, mumbling about getting up early. I chuckled, and he glared at me. “I feel bad for you” I told him giggling. “I hate waking up early” His features softened and he chuckled with me. “I know right? It’s, like, the worst thing in the world” I laughed at that, in total agreement. Hailey laughed too and said pointing at me, “Are you kidding? Trying to wake this chick up in the mornings is nearly impossible. I poured a bucket of ice on her head once, and all she did was get up and go back to sleep on the floor” I looked down and blushed, embarrassed. Liam chuckled from beside me and threw his arm over my shoulders. “Don’t worry” He told me “Zayn is just as bad.”

We all stood up to say goodbye, and I found myself not wanting this to end. Harry and Hailey stood in a corner talking and smiling, I guessed they were saying goodbye. Niall came up to me and stood nervously next to my side. “So, um, can I trust you with something?” He asked me, completely serious. I looked up at him and gave a reassuring smile. “Yes, of course, what is it?” I asked curiously. He pulled his phone out and said, “My number?” I gasped and then blushed immediately. Pulling out my phone, I handed it to him and accepted his in return. I quickly punched in my number and information in his phone, saving me as a contact. He did the same and then we swapped phones again. I looked down and saw his name and number was now a contact in my phone.

“Thanks” He said smiling, slipping his phone into his back pocket. I nodded, doing the same. He then pulled me into a hug and I wrapped my arms around his neck lightly. “I had a good time. It was nice meeting you” I assured him, trying not to blush when he said, “We were lucky to meet two awesome girls.”

The rest of the guys said goodbye to me with a small hug but Louis was the only other one who asked for my number. The other three guys just said they would get it from either Louis or Niall. After saying goodbye to all of them, Hailey and I waved as we walked out to my car and climbed in. As soon as I shut the door, Hailey squealed loudly making my ears ring. “I cannot believe that just happened!” She exclaimed loudly. “Hailey volume, please.” I reminded her laughing as I started my car. “Still, that was so awesome. And guess what! Harry asked for my number, he is so cute!”

Looking over at her, I told her that Louis and Niall asked for my number too. This made her squeal even louder. I knew she was going to be fan-girling for the rest of the ride home so I just sat back and let myself get used to it.

About thirty minutes later, my phone buzzed twice with two new texts.

Louis: Hey Bubbles ;)

Niall: Hey Layla. I had fun tonight. I really want to be your friend. :D

If only I had known what those texts would lead too.

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