Hailey's Last Day

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The next few days passed in a blur of fun and laughter. Our five British guys have spent the last four days showing us around London, I've seen the London Eye, Big Ben, and every other famous historical sight in London. I loved every minute of it and have gained more pictures which are now hanging in my room.

Today was Hailey's last day here in the UK. Tomorrow morning she was boarding a plane and going back to the U.S. I've been trying not to cry all day - I was going to miss her so much. So now, Hailey and I were just hanging out in my room together spending some quality best friend time before we don't have the opportunity.

"So how are you and Harry doing?" I asked while playing on my phone. Niall had gotten me set up on Twitter and Instagram, who could've known that social networks could be so addicting? "Really good, he is such a sweet heart Layla" I smiled at Hailey's reply, glad that my two friends were so happy.

"Layla?" Hailey asked hesitantly. "Yeah?" I questioned, looking up from my phone with a smile. "You're not going to replace me, are you?" She asked, bottom lip quivering as she tried not to cry. I locked my phone immediately and pulled her into a hug. "Of course not, Hails!" I assured her, "You're my oldest, and best friend. Don't get me wrong, Niall and I are very close, and he, along with you, is one of my best friends, but you will always have a place in my heart that you will not ever loose. Nobody could replace you, Hailey. I promise" We pulled apart and she smiled brightly at me.

"He told me he loved me" Hailey said randomly, with an even bigger smile on her face than before. "What? Oh how sweet!" I gushed, throwing my arms back around her in another big hug.

That's how the rest of the morning followed - Hailey and my giggle's filling the flat.

*Three Hours Later*

It was lunch time and Niall wouldn't stop stealing my dang chips. I slapped the blond Irish boys' hand away once again as he made a grab at my Doritos. "Niall" I giggled as he grabbed me off of my stool, pulling me onto his lap instead. I pulled my sandwich and chips in front of me and then crossed my arms with a loud, angry sigh. "I'd stop touching the girls' chips, lad before you get your hand cut off" Harry chucked, wrapping an arm around Hailey's shoulders, making me coo at their adorableness. Harry threw a chip at me, which I caught and then gave to Niall. "Finally, I got a chip!" He cheered, shoving the chip in his mouth hole. With a full mouth he mumbled, "May not be a Doritos, but I guess Cheetos work..." I jumped off of his lap faster than anything, and whipped around.

"Niall!" I cried, wiping my face, "You spit chips on me!" Niall just smiled cheekily and grabbed a rag, wiping my face off. "Sorry Lay" he said while pulling me back onto his lap. I wiggled off and glared at him. "No. You spit on me." Before I could sit down in my original seat, Niall propped his feet up on it. I stuck my tongue out at him and then went and plopped myself on Louis' lap. "I'm just gonna sit here" I told Niall, grabbing my sandwich and taking a bite. Louis wrapped his arms around my waist and grinned, "Ha! Niall looses! I win Bubbles!" I laughed at him, patting his head and nodding.

I looked at Liam and Zayn smiled. They were having a thumb war. "Go Liam!" I cheered, making the two boys jump. "Did I scare you?" I giggled, leaning on the counter to watch the thumb war up close. "Keep going!" I demanded, pointing at their hands. They returned their attention back to their game, and everyone watched. I was the only one cheering for Liam, sadly, and so I bet them all twenty bucks that he would win.

"Go Liam! If you don't win mister, you will owe me eighty bucks!" I screamed at the brunette boy. Finally, after five intense minutes, four of my friends handed over eighty dollars in all to my awaiting hand. I smiled up at Liam, handing him a twenty. "Thanks Liam" I said happily. Everyone made their way to the living room, and I looped arms with Liam and skipped happily after them.

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