Punching Bag

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Gideon paced up and down the room. Spewing curse after curse from his grimacing mouth. When he reached the door to the outside, he stopped his pacing, look up and glare out for a few seconds. A curse went soaring into the silent air thus resuming his furious pacing. Between the constant curses he mumbled things like, going to kill him, he will never know what hit him and how dare he embarrass him like this, as his face darkened with rage minute by minute. 

Tieran sat in the waiting room on the verge of hysterics due to Gideon's state. Tieran knew why he was all flustered and pissed off and if Tieran had not been a little less worried he'd be convulsing with uncontrollable laughter. He knew that Payne never made it home last night. Tieran waited in Payne's room in his abode last night so he would be able to speak to him. But he never surfaced. Now hours after both Payne and Stryker were to be at the office neither showed.  

Stone seemed amused more than upset my his Potentials absence. He kept telling Gideon to relax, after all they are young and you know how boys can lose track of time. Stone knew himself how he can lose track of anything when having a bang up of a time. Like last night he tagged along with his new buddies, Diesel and Gideon to the slave quarters, to let loose. They must have ripped at least seven or eight asses last night. They definitely played hard. Stone was so exhausted by his shenanigans he crashed at Diesel's habitat. His was too far to get back to and he knew Stryker was entertaining. 

Tieran knew nothing last night ended well. He just knew it would not. He saw the physically strong and assured boy he loved turn into a driveling, legless pet. One minute he saw fight in Payne's eyes. When Stryker started playing with him, feeding him and teasing him all control dissolved. His beautiful, gleaming blue eyes, clouded over. It was like Stryker snapped his fingers and Payne changed. Eyes ended up mesmerized to Stryker, lust and compliance muddled through, then all was lost. So it seemed to Tieran anyway. 

After a few more paths were made by Gideon's relentless pacing the men in the room saw a shadow flow through the opening. Not a word or breath uttered until both were fully encased in the room and away from any means of escape. Payne stood a pace behind Stryker facing forward but eyes cast down waiting for instruction from Stryker. Before Stryker could do anything, Gideon clawed passed Stryker, snatched Payne by the throat and pulled him closer. Hands grasping Payne's hair yanked his head back so Payne's eyes gazed upon his Carer. A roar washed through the room as Gideon began his tirade on Payne. 

"Where have you been, boy?" He sneered through clenched lips. "You embarrassed me for the final time, you good for nothing little shit." He released Payne's hair and pushed him, dropping Payne to the floor in a crushing heap of bones. In a blink of an eye Gideon was over Payne kicking the shit out of him. Smashing his booted foot into his chest, head, back and any other part that Payne was not able to cover. Whines, moans and gasps escaped Payne's lips. He tried to breath in but felt everything constrict savagely as his body lost much needed air. 

Tieran amazed at how quickly the events transpired finally got himself together, got up from his seated position and ran to Payne. By the time Tieran reached him, Stryker pulled Gideon from Payne, pinned him to a wall, holding him away from Payne. Stryker wanted to plant a fist right in Gideon's throat but knew that would cause him further trouble at getting what he wanted. He was boiling over with absolute rage and hate for this insipid man. 

"Stone, yeah?" He bellowed. "Get over here man and calm this fucker down. I want to hurt him. Hurt him so bad my body is trembling from the need. I don't want to ruin nothing for you Stone..." Before Stryker finished his thoughts Stone clasped Stryker's shoulder and pulled him away gently and took over trying to get Gideon in control of himself. 

Stryker went to Payne, lightly pushed Tieran from him and gathered his crumbled boy up in his arms, shielding Payne from anything or anyone else. Stryker carried Payne to a corner, slowly sunk to the floor gripping his boy so no more injury would be induced on his bruising boy. Stryker held him as tight as he felt he could manage as to not hurt him and whispered words to soothe his racing mind. When Tieran walked over to get near Payne so he could check him out, Stryker nearly lost it. "Leave us alone, boy, yeah." He snarled out. Not caring that Tieran only wanted to help. Stryker would be the one to care from now on. Not the whiny boy enamored with Payne. 

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