Chapter 11: Shocking new's

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Finally it was Saturday.

Mom had to take extra shifts at work today, so I decided to go to Devin's place.

I have to find him.

As I was walking, I had a very strange feeling that someone was following me. When I looked behind me it was just Darvin.

"Hey, baby" he said

"Don't sneak up on me like that"

"Sure so where you going?" he said

"Im going to a place called none of your business. Bye Darvin"

I continued to walk, and I made sure he wasn't following me.

When I turned through an alley, I felt the same feeling I felt earlier.

"Darvin, I told you to leave me-" As I turned around I noticed it wasn't Darvin. It felt more like an Evil presence.

"Who's there" I said.

I started to run down the alley, but quickly stopped when someone, or something popped in front of me. I tried to run the other way, but a wall appeared out of nowhere.

When I turned back around, something was launch at me...I closed my eyes as my life draws near it's end..but nothing happened.

"Open your eyes" someone said

When I opened my eyes, I couldn't believe who I was looking at.

"Devin" I whispered.

"Hey beautiful" he said

I couldn't say anything, the only thing I could do was get in his arms and cry.

"Your such A crybaby" he said smirking.

"Where have you been. You left me alone"

"Im sorry. But its a good thing I came, you were in a dream trap" he said

"A dream trap?"

"I'll explain later. Right now we have to leave...Leave earth" he said

"Wait why. what about school, my mother"

"Look I know your worried about that stuff, but we have to go...if you want to keep them safe you have to come with me" he said

I didn't think I would have to leave so soon. But if it means keeping my mom safe...

"I guess, I'll go" 

"Good" he said.

He began to cast a spell and a portal had appeared.

He grabbed my hand as we jumped in.

It felt so magical flying through this portal.

We had finally arrived inside a place, or should I say Palace.

Devin had grabbed my hand and we walked down a long hall escorted by men in armor.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see" he said

We had arrived near this huge door.

The men had opened it and told us to go in.

When we walked in, I saw a man and lady sitting in royal chairs.

Devin had kneeled down, so I did as he did.

"Rise Lexi" The man said.

I stood up slowly. How does he know my name.

When I looked around everyone who was in here aswell, kneeled down.

"Whats going on" I thought.

The man or should I say King, had stood up and said "Finally our princess has returned, every rejoice"

Everyone started to cheer.

My eyes got wide at what he said..."Princess" I thought.

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