Chapter 12: My orders

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"" I thought

"Rise Devin" the king said.

Devin stood up with great posture.

I was speechless.

The king stood up.

"Look before you. Recognize your princess, who was taken away from us many years ago" he said.

"Taken..away" I thought.

But by who.

None of this makes any sense to me, I'm not a princess, and I wasn't taken away. I just so happen to have not been as normal as I thought.

" must be mistaken, I'm no princess. I wasn't taken away either, I'm just..."

I froze.

I can't say I'm normal because I'm not.

"I will surely explain everything to you, when the time is right" he said

"Right now, I'm sure your exhausted. As you can see, are sunsets before earth does. You should get some rest" The queen said.

"Indeed, I'll have my servants take you to your room" King said.

As I was being led out, I looked at Devin who just smiled.

Then the door closed.

-Devin POV-

When the door had closed, I turned to the kind.

"Your Majesty, if you don't mind Me asking, how long will you keep the truth from her"

"As long as I can. If she was to find out that The Evil Painter wants her power, let alone that he's her father...can you imagine what she would do" he said.

I balled my fist.

I understand what he is saying but...she needs to know.

I've known all along and yet I didn't tell her a thing.

Instead I told her lies.

"I know you care for her, but are main objective is to keep her safe" The Queen said.

I bowed. "Yes, your Majesty"

"In the meantime you will be her personal bodyguard, along with Prince James"


I didn't mean to say that, directly to the King, but I really don't like prince James.

Where I'm from, I'm not really considered a prince, I'm just a normal person who happened to have magic and became a vampire.

Prince James despises people like me...who have no royal name or position.

"I understand how you feel about prince James. But we promised his parents we would look after him, until they return" Queen said.

"Exactly, with your strength and his knowledge combined, I know she will be well protected. This isn't going to be a problem is it?" King asked.

"No...your majesty"

This is really starting to become aggravating.

The only reason I listen to the King and Queen is because when my parents was killed and I lived in the house alone on earth, they made sure that I was watched over and gave anything I requested, as if I was royalty.

So in return, I help the king with any needs no matter what they are, I once told him.

"Good. You will start tomorrow. That is all" he said.

I bowed and walked out.

This is all a lot.

I can't even see her until tomorrow.

What a bummer!

-Lexi POV-

As I was led to my room.

There were already soldiers in front of the doors.

"The king has instructed the princess to her room." One servant said.

Both soldiers nodded, and the servants left.

The soldiers had opened the door and I walked in.

"Princess if you need anything, we will be outside of your door" first soldier said.

"And please do not try to leave your room unless told to" the other said.

I nodded.

Then they shut the door.

When I looked around, my room looked just like a mansion...incredible!

The only thing I didn't like in here, was the clothes.

Each set of clothes were labeled.

Nightgowns, ballroom dresses, dresses for special occasions, dresses for dinner, dresses for outside, and battle uniform.

The only thing I actually liked was the battle uniform, which was just tight pants, a fancy shirt, boots, and a waist set.

When I was done looking at the clothes and went to my bed and sat on it.

"So soft" I whispered.

I laid back on it and started thinking.


"Look before you. Recognize your princess, who was taken away from us many years ago" he said.


"Was I really taken, and if I was...who took me" I thought.

Are my parents, really my parents.

I began to drift off.

What really happened, in my past....

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