Chapter Eight

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Continuation of Chapter Seven


"Destiny?", I heard Zayn's voice call out, but i didn't respond. He'll find me. He always does. Right now I just want to be alone. I'm upset and

"Baby?", he said, sitting beside me. "You okay?"

"Well apart from my boyfriend rubbing orange juice off of his ex lover's chest and her intentionally doing it to piss me off , i'm doing just peachy.", I faked smiled, crossing my arms and looking at the flow of traffic.

"Baby, you have got to stop.", he said, rubbing his face. I turned and frowned at him.

"Stop? I'VE GOT TO STOP?", I shouted, not caring if we attracted attention.

"Baby listen-"

"No you listen Zayn. I have had it with her games. She has been toying with you since the day she arrived and you don't even see what she is doing!"

"You're overreacting she is not trying to break us up or get with me again!"

"Yeah because usually when you spill juice on yourself it flies all the way to your chest. She is trying to break us up. She's becoming a STRIPPER FOR CHRISTS SAKE!"

"It's the only job she could find baby. That's none of our business.", he tried to reason, but i wasn't having it.

"NO. There are PLENTY of job opportunities in Michigan than to swing on a pole and catch dollars. And it is OUR BUSINESS! We have worked too hard and have risked so much to come down here and start a new life WITH HER in our presence and i'll be damned if she affects our relationship.", I spat, balling my fists up.

"Then what is she doing to our relationship now?", Zayn asked, frowning slightly at me. I paused, feeling defeated.

"You've got to trust me baby and trust the fact that i don't want her anymore. She can do whatever she pleases unless she physically hurts you and our baby. Other than that, leave it be. She'll be out in a couple of weeks maybe months, and because of that we need to reason with her-"

"NO. SHE came into OUR house for protection. What i NEED is for her to get her ass some money so she can get the fuck out of OUR house so we can start planning for OUR future. SHE needs to reason with US. WE took her in and SHE WILL OBEY OUR RULES, or she can get the fuck out. I really don't care anymore. I'm not going to share you. You're mine and only mine and she needs to be okay with that or leave.", I said, my heart racing in anger.

"You've got to calm down baby. I'll talk to her."

"You did that before and did you ever realize it didn't do anything?"

"I can't make her listen to me. She's grown."

"IF SHE'S SO GROWN THEN SHE CAN GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE, MY LIFE! I get you want to help her Zayn but she has one more chance and i'm kicking her out myself. I'm not going to feel like this every day when she's with us. We came here for change and happiness and we aren't getting it.", I said, getting up and strutting to the car. I opened the door, sliding in and slamming the door. I put my hand on my chin as I looked out the window.

Right now i'm heated. My blood is boiling and i could punch a hole in the wall. Or better yet, i could punch one in Lauren's face. I can't believe how delusional Zayn is being. It's so obvious. Maybe he still has feelings for her. I mean she was his first love. He did cry over her when he first kidnapped me. Love doesn't just disappear.

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