Chapter Twenty-Five

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1 Month Later


I shifted in my sleep, turning from side to side as strong pains ran up my spine. I winced as I tried to sit up. I gripped my stomach as i felt a strong contraction come along, and then it hit me. 

My water broke.

"Zayn? Baby wake up", i said as i began to panic. He turned in his sleep before rubbing his eyes. "whats wrong?"

"I think my water just broke and im having intense contractions. We have to go to the hospital NOW.", i panted as another strong wave of contractions hit me. 

"Oh god. Okay. Stay right here. Let me get the car and your overnight bags.", he said, rolling out of bed. 

This is really happening. Ari is coming. In a few hours or possibly less, i'm going to be able to hold our baby girl. Zayn and I's little family will have truly begun. I watch as Zayn grabbed the bags he had packed for me a couple of days ago and several towels for me to sit on while in the car. He approaches me with a smile. 

"You ready?", he asks as he assists me out of bed. 

"Ready as i'll ever be."


"PUSH!", the nurse encourages me, as i hold Zayn's hand tightly for support. I know i am crushing his hand right now, but he still manages to whisper sweet nothings into my ear while encouraging me not to give up. That i've got this. 

I feel so weak. I knew this would be hard, but i didn't think it would be this hard. I'm just ready for my girl to come out. I decided to go all natural-no epidural. 

"We see the head. You're doing great. One more strong push and she should be out.", the nurse encouraged. I mustered up all the strength i possible could before i pushed, letting out a scream to push me through. 

I panted heavily and laid back once the nurses announced that she was out. However, one thing left me speechless. 

She didn't cry. 

Zayn saw my face and instantly assured me that not all babies cry when they come out. That everything is okay. I watched as the nurses held my baby, tapping her butt slightly until her face scrunched up and she began crying. 

I let go of the breath that i didn't know i was holding in. Zayn smiled happily and kissed my forehead as we watched Ariana get cleaned up and prepared for us. Once she was good to go, my nurse handed her over to Zayn. As i watched him carefully hold her, i saw a sparkle i hadn't seen in his eyes for a very long time-love at first sight. 

"You have a perfectly healthy baby girl. She's six pounds, 7 ounces, born at 5:12 AM on April 1st.", Mrs. Ohan, my nurse cheered happily. 

"She's beautiful.", he whispered as his eyes began to tear up. "Our baby girl is finally here.", he smiled, before handing her off to me. I watched as her long eyelashes flutter to the movement of her shut eyes. Her mouth slightly agape as her little breath spreads across my cheek. Even with her eyes closed, i could tell which features she got from who. She's got her daddy's eyes, due to the shape of them, her mommy's nose, and a mixture of our mouths. She's got her dad's ears and my cheeks. 

"She's perfect.", i whisper, moving her tiny strands of hair from her forehead. Zayn looks at me happily, running his fingers through my hair. 

"Our little family has just begun.", Zayn whispered in my ear. I looked up at him, cheerful tears in his eyes as he bent down to place a gentle kiss on my lips. 

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