Chapter Sixteen

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I looked up at Zayn, his eyes red and poofy from his immense amount of tears. His nose was red from the cold and his hair dripped from the rain. His bottom lip continuously quivered from his crying as he held me. 

I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from telling him everything is okay. But nothing is okay. I feel so empty on the inside that if there was a bullet in front of me, i'd open my arms and allow it to hit me. I feel so lifeless, even with Ariana inside me. She doesn't deserve a broken mother. If im broken myself, how am I supposed to nurture my daughter? 

I stood up, stepping away from Zayn as I looked down at my feet. Zayn stood up after me, slowly walking towards me. 

"We've got to get you out of this cold rain. The last thing we need it for you to get sick.", He mumbled, but loud enough for me to here over the rain. 

I just stood there, still looking at the ground beneath me. I felt the heat from his body radiating off of me, indicating that he was in close proximity, but i couldn't see. My vision was blurred and dark. I felt his hand go on my back, pushing me slightly forward. 

I turned and walked away from him, swaying towards the house. I tried to keep my balance but no matter how hard i tried, i kept stumbling. Before i could fall, i felt a strong pair of arms pick me up. 

"Des. Fuck.", Zayn mumbled, before he picked me up and ran to the what I assume to be the house. After a few seconds, i heard the sound of a door opening before Lauren's voice echoed. 

"Zayn, is she okay? What happened?" She sounded worried... genuinely worried. 

"She'll be okay.", Zayn said before we ascended upwards. Next thing i knew, I was placed on the side of the bed, my clothes being taken off. I was too limb to reject it, so i just let it happen. Nervous pants from Zayn were the only sound I heard. 

"Destiny baby, look at me.", he pleaded, but it was no use. I didn't have the strength. I felt too weak. "Destiny, look at me baby.", he begged, lifting my head slowly. It felt like everything was in slow motion, zayn's voice dragging out. 

"I love you baby. I'm so sorry i did this too you.", He cried and that was the last thing i heard before darkness took over.  



I stood at the island in the kitchen, my eyebrows furrowed as the scene of Destiny kept playing in my head. I honestly am really worried about her. I don't know whats going on with her and im genuinely worried. I grabbed a bottle of water, sipping on it slowly. Just as i was getting ready to take another swig, I heard footsteps come down the staircase. I looked up to see Zayn, his shoulders slumped and his eyes red with tears. He walked into the living-room, not noticing my exsistence. I followed after him slowly, hesitant about calling his name. 

Just when i was about to, he yelled, punching the column beside him. I heard a crack coming from him, but he kept going. He screamed as he kicked the couch, sliding it against the hardwood floor. He sobbed hard before plopping down on the sofa, his hands in his hair as he tugged furiously. 

My eyes teared up at the sight. I've never seen him so hurt. I stepped towards him cautiously before sitting next to him. I put my arms around him, hugging him soothingly. The thing he did next was unexpected. 

He wrapped his arms back around me and sobbed into my neck, wailing loudly and slumping into my arms. "I broke her. I broke her and my daughter. I promised her i'd never hurt her and i hurt her in the worst way. I don't deserve to live after hurting her the way i did. I'm the devil walking.", he cried, gripping me tighter. 

We just held eachother, my own tears falling down his back. After a good while he let go, staring at the floor. I put my hand on his knee before i spoke. "Everything will be okay. You just have to be patient. She's hurting right now. I don't know what happened between you two, but everything will be okay.", i whispered, but he shook his head violently. 

"No. I said some things that were unforgivable and last night, i did something extremely unforgivable, and if she's berserk now, she's going to completely lose it tomorrow. She'll never forgive me.", he said, looking at the floor as if he could smash it. 

"What did you do?", even though i knew exactly what he was talking about. 

He looked up at me slowly before his eyes started pouring tears again. 

"I slept with a stripper"  

I paused, looking down at the floor to stop myself from saying that it was me. I couldn't. It would ruin my plan. But honestly, whats the point of the plan anymore?

Never in a million years would i have thought that i would care for Destiny. But after seeing her in her state that she's in, with her child as well, i feel as if i should draw the line. 

I looked back up at Zayn, his eyes holding a mountain of guilt. I opened my mouth to reveal the truth but something else came out instead. 

"I'll be here for you through it all. Everything will be okay. Just give her time."

Later that evening, I went back up to my room, pulling out my laptop. I typed in my passcode before going to me and James' emails. I clicked on his name, a slew of messages popping up. I took a deep breath before typing out my message. 

Me: James, I can't do this anymore. The plan is off. 

(A minute later)

James: Can't do what anymore? What do you mean the plan is off? It just started.

Me: James, I can't. I never thought i would be typing these words, but some things have been going on with Destiny and I can't find it in myself to continue with this plan...

James: Since when have you ever cared about her? I told you in the beginning if you were sure that this is what you wanted, and you said yes. 

Me: I wasn't thinking clearly James. I didn't think things would get this....dramatic...

James: WHAT DID YOU TIHNK WAS GOING TO HAPPEN LAUREN?! Damn it! I'm following up my end of the deal. I don't care what you say because you can't make your mind up. 

Me: At the end of the day, you're my puppet and I pull the strings. Realize you would be nothing without me.  Destiny is shattered okay? And in turn, that makes Zayn shattered. I can't deal with that. I can't deal with the pressure of that. I was selfish I know. I'm telling you, don't follow through with the plan if you know what is good for you. 

James: Have a good life Lauren. 

I shut my laptop in frustration, millions of thoughts pondering my brain. What if James follows through with the plan? If he goes on, i'd never forgive myself for what will happen. I guess i can only hope....


Hey guys !! Sorry for this chapter being kind of short--->Filler chapter ! I'm warning you, get your tissues for the next chapter. Heads up.  You will cry. Heads up. It is intense. Heads up! If you thought the last chapter was intense, the next chapter will break you . Love you guys !! 

Vote !




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